""" Auxiliary functions for f2py2e. Copyright 1999 -- 2011 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved. Copyright 2011 -- present NumPy Developers. Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy (BSD style) LICENSE. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. """ import pprint import sys import re import types from functools import reduce from copy import deepcopy from . import __version__ from . import cfuncs from .cfuncs import errmess __all__ = [ 'applyrules', 'debugcapi', 'dictappend', 'errmess', 'gentitle', 'getargs2', 'getcallprotoargument', 'getcallstatement', 'getfortranname', 'getpymethoddef', 'getrestdoc', 'getusercode', 'getusercode1', 'getdimension', 'hasbody', 'hascallstatement', 'hascommon', 'hasexternals', 'hasinitvalue', 'hasnote', 'hasresultnote', 'isallocatable', 'isarray', 'isarrayofstrings', 'ischaracter', 'ischaracterarray', 'ischaracter_or_characterarray', 'iscomplex', 'iscomplexarray', 'iscomplexfunction', 'iscomplexfunction_warn', 'isdouble', 'isdummyroutine', 'isexternal', 'isfunction', 'isfunction_wrap', 'isint1', 'isint1array', 'isinteger', 'isintent_aux', 'isintent_c', 'isintent_callback', 'isintent_copy', 'isintent_dict', 'isintent_hide', 'isintent_in', 'isintent_inout', 'isintent_inplace', 'isintent_nothide', 'isintent_out', 'isintent_overwrite', 'islogical', 'islogicalfunction', 'islong_complex', 'islong_double', 'islong_doublefunction', 'islong_long', 'islong_longfunction', 'ismodule', 'ismoduleroutine', 'isoptional', 'isprivate', 'isrequired', 'isroutine', 'isscalar', 'issigned_long_longarray', 'isstring', 'isstringarray', 'isstring_or_stringarray', 'isstringfunction', 'issubroutine', 'get_f2py_modulename', 'issubroutine_wrap', 'isthreadsafe', 'isunsigned', 'isunsigned_char', 'isunsigned_chararray', 'isunsigned_long_long', 'isunsigned_long_longarray', 'isunsigned_short', 'isunsigned_shortarray', 'l_and', 'l_not', 'l_or', 'outmess', 'replace', 'show', 'stripcomma', 'throw_error', 'isattr_value', 'getuseblocks', 'process_f2cmap_dict' ] f2py_version = __version__.version show = pprint.pprint options = {} debugoptions = [] wrapfuncs = 1 def outmess(t): if options.get('verbose', 1): sys.stdout.write(t) def debugcapi(var): return 'capi' in debugoptions def _ischaracter(var): return 'typespec' in var and var['typespec'] == 'character' and \ not isexternal(var) def _isstring(var): return 'typespec' in var and var['typespec'] == 'character' and \ not isexternal(var) def ischaracter_or_characterarray(var): return _ischaracter(var) and 'charselector' not in var def ischaracter(var): return ischaracter_or_characterarray(var) and not isarray(var) def ischaracterarray(var): return ischaracter_or_characterarray(var) and isarray(var) def isstring_or_stringarray(var): return _ischaracter(var) and 'charselector' in var def isstring(var): return isstring_or_stringarray(var) and not isarray(var) def isstringarray(var): return isstring_or_stringarray(var) and isarray(var) def isarrayofstrings(var): # obsolete? # leaving out '*' for now so that `character*(*) a(m)` and `character # a(m,*)` are treated differently. Luckily `character**` is illegal. return isstringarray(var) and var['dimension'][-1] == '(*)' def isarray(var): return 'dimension' in var and not isexternal(var) def isscalar(var): return not (isarray(var) or isstring(var) or isexternal(var)) def iscomplex(var): return isscalar(var) and \ var.get('typespec') in ['complex', 'double complex'] def islogical(var): return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'logical' def isinteger(var): return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'integer' def isreal(var): return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'real' def get_kind(var): try: return var['kindselector']['*'] except KeyError: try: return var['kindselector']['kind'] except KeyError: pass def isint1(var): return var.get('typespec') == 'integer' \ and get_kind(var) == '1' and not isarray(var) def islong_long(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if var.get('typespec') not in ['integer', 'logical']: return 0 return get_kind(var) == '8' def isunsigned_char(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if var.get('typespec') != 'integer': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '-1' def isunsigned_short(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if var.get('typespec') != 'integer': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '-2' def isunsigned(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if var.get('typespec') != 'integer': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '-4' def isunsigned_long_long(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if var.get('typespec') != 'integer': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '-8' def isdouble(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if not var.get('typespec') == 'real': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '8' def islong_double(var): if not isscalar(var): return 0 if not var.get('typespec') == 'real': return 0 return get_kind(var) == '16' def islong_complex(var): if not iscomplex(var): return 0 return get_kind(var) == '32' def iscomplexarray(var): return isarray(var) and \ var.get('typespec') in ['complex', 'double complex'] def isint1array(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'integer' \ and get_kind(var) == '1' def isunsigned_chararray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '-1' def isunsigned_shortarray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '-2' def isunsignedarray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '-4' def isunsigned_long_longarray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '-8' def issigned_chararray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '1' def issigned_shortarray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '2' def issigned_array(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '4' def issigned_long_longarray(var): return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\ and get_kind(var) == '8' def isallocatable(var): return 'attrspec' in var and 'allocatable' in var['attrspec'] def ismutable(var): return not ('dimension' not in var or isstring(var)) def ismoduleroutine(rout): return 'modulename' in rout def ismodule(rout): return 'block' in rout and 'module' == rout['block'] def isfunction(rout): return 'block' in rout and 'function' == rout['block'] def isfunction_wrap(rout): if isintent_c(rout): return 0 return wrapfuncs and isfunction(rout) and (not isexternal(rout)) def issubroutine(rout): return 'block' in rout and 'subroutine' == rout['block'] def issubroutine_wrap(rout): if isintent_c(rout): return 0 return issubroutine(rout) and hasassumedshape(rout) def isattr_value(var): return 'value' in var.get('attrspec', []) def hasassumedshape(rout): if rout.get('hasassumedshape'): return True for a in rout['args']: for d in rout['vars'].get(a, {}).get('dimension', []): if d == ':': rout['hasassumedshape'] = True return True return False def requiresf90wrapper(rout): return ismoduleroutine(rout) or hasassumedshape(rout) def isroutine(rout): return isfunction(rout) or issubroutine(rout) def islogicalfunction(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return islogical(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def islong_longfunction(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return islong_long(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def islong_doublefunction(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return islong_double(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def iscomplexfunction(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return iscomplex(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def iscomplexfunction_warn(rout): if iscomplexfunction(rout): outmess("""\ ************************************************************** Warning: code with a function returning complex value may not work correctly with your Fortran compiler. When using GNU gcc/g77 compilers, codes should work correctly for callbacks with: f2py -c -DF2PY_CB_RETURNCOMPLEX **************************************************************\n""") return 1 return 0 def isstringfunction(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return isstring(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def hasexternals(rout): return 'externals' in rout and rout['externals'] def isthreadsafe(rout): return 'f2pyenhancements' in rout and \ 'threadsafe' in rout['f2pyenhancements'] def hasvariables(rout): return 'vars' in rout and rout['vars'] def isoptional(var): return ('attrspec' in var and 'optional' in var['attrspec'] and 'required' not in var['attrspec']) and isintent_nothide(var) def isexternal(var): return 'attrspec' in var and 'external' in var['attrspec'] def getdimension(var): dimpattern = r"\((.*?)\)" if 'attrspec' in var.keys(): if any('dimension' in s for s in var['attrspec']): return [re.findall(dimpattern, v) for v in var['attrspec']][0] def isrequired(var): return not isoptional(var) and isintent_nothide(var) def isintent_in(var): if 'intent' not in var: return 1 if 'hide' in var['intent']: return 0 if 'inplace' in var['intent']: return 0 if 'in' in var['intent']: return 1 if 'out' in var['intent']: return 0 if 'inout' in var['intent']: return 0 if 'outin' in var['intent']: return 0 return 1 def isintent_inout(var): return ('intent' in var and ('inout' in var['intent'] or 'outin' in var['intent']) and 'in' not in var['intent'] and 'hide' not in var['intent'] and 'inplace' not in var['intent']) def isintent_out(var): return 'out' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_hide(var): return ('intent' in var and ('hide' in var['intent'] or ('out' in var['intent'] and 'in' not in var['intent'] and (not l_or(isintent_inout, isintent_inplace)(var))))) def isintent_nothide(var): return not isintent_hide(var) def isintent_c(var): return 'c' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_cache(var): return 'cache' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_copy(var): return 'copy' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_overwrite(var): return 'overwrite' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_callback(var): return 'callback' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_inplace(var): return 'inplace' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_aux(var): return 'aux' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_aligned4(var): return 'aligned4' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_aligned8(var): return 'aligned8' in var.get('intent', []) def isintent_aligned16(var): return 'aligned16' in var.get('intent', []) isintent_dict = {isintent_in: 'INTENT_IN', isintent_inout: 'INTENT_INOUT', isintent_out: 'INTENT_OUT', isintent_hide: 'INTENT_HIDE', isintent_cache: 'INTENT_CACHE', isintent_c: 'INTENT_C', isoptional: 'OPTIONAL', isintent_inplace: 'INTENT_INPLACE', isintent_aligned4: 'INTENT_ALIGNED4', isintent_aligned8: 'INTENT_ALIGNED8', isintent_aligned16: 'INTENT_ALIGNED16', } def isprivate(var): return 'attrspec' in var and 'private' in var['attrspec'] def hasinitvalue(var): return '=' in var def hasinitvalueasstring(var): if not hasinitvalue(var): return 0 return var['='][0] in ['"', "'"] def hasnote(var): return 'note' in var def hasresultnote(rout): if not isfunction(rout): return 0 if 'result' in rout: a = rout['result'] else: a = rout['name'] if a in rout['vars']: return hasnote(rout['vars'][a]) return 0 def hascommon(rout): return 'common' in rout def containscommon(rout): if hascommon(rout): return 1 if hasbody(rout): for b in rout['body']: if containscommon(b): return 1 return 0 def containsmodule(block): if ismodule(block): return 1 if not hasbody(block): return 0 for b in block['body']: if containsmodule(b): return 1 return 0 def hasbody(rout): return 'body' in rout def hascallstatement(rout): return getcallstatement(rout) is not None def istrue(var): return 1 def isfalse(var): return 0 class F2PYError(Exception): pass class throw_error: def __init__(self, mess): self.mess = mess def __call__(self, var): mess = '\n\n var = %s\n Message: %s\n' % (var, self.mess) raise F2PYError(mess) def l_and(*f): l1, l2 = 'lambda v', [] for i in range(len(f)): l1 = '%s,f%d=f[%d]' % (l1, i, i) l2.append('f%d(v)' % (i)) return eval('%s:%s' % (l1, ' and '.join(l2))) def l_or(*f): l1, l2 = 'lambda v', [] for i in range(len(f)): l1 = '%s,f%d=f[%d]' % (l1, i, i) l2.append('f%d(v)' % (i)) return eval('%s:%s' % (l1, ' or '.join(l2))) def l_not(f): return eval('lambda v,f=f:not f(v)') def isdummyroutine(rout): try: return rout['f2pyenhancements']['fortranname'] == '' except KeyError: return 0 def getfortranname(rout): try: name = rout['f2pyenhancements']['fortranname'] if name == '': raise KeyError if not name: errmess('Failed to use fortranname from %s\n' % (rout['f2pyenhancements'])) raise KeyError except KeyError: name = rout['name'] return name def getmultilineblock(rout, blockname, comment=1, counter=0): try: r = rout['f2pyenhancements'].get(blockname) except KeyError: return if not r: return if counter > 0 and isinstance(r, str): return if isinstance(r, list): if counter >= len(r): return r = r[counter] if r[:3] == "'''": if comment: r = '\t/* start ' + blockname + \ ' multiline (' + repr(counter) + ') */\n' + r[3:] else: r = r[3:] if r[-3:] == "'''": if comment: r = r[:-3] + '\n\t/* end multiline (' + repr(counter) + ')*/' else: r = r[:-3] else: errmess("%s multiline block should end with `'''`: %s\n" % (blockname, repr(r))) return r def getcallstatement(rout): return getmultilineblock(rout, 'callstatement') def getcallprotoargument(rout, cb_map={}): r = getmultilineblock(rout, 'callprotoargument', comment=0) if r: return r if hascallstatement(rout): outmess( 'warning: callstatement is defined without callprotoargument\n') return from .capi_maps import getctype arg_types, arg_types2 = [], [] if l_and(isstringfunction, l_not(isfunction_wrap))(rout): arg_types.extend(['char*', 'size_t']) for n in rout['args']: var = rout['vars'][n] if isintent_callback(var): continue if n in cb_map: ctype = cb_map[n] + '_typedef' else: ctype = getctype(var) if l_and(isintent_c, l_or(isscalar, iscomplex))(var): pass elif isstring(var): pass else: if not isattr_value(var): ctype = ctype + '*' if (isstring(var) or isarrayofstrings(var) # obsolete? or isstringarray(var)): arg_types2.append('size_t') arg_types.append(ctype) proto_args = ','.join(arg_types + arg_types2) if not proto_args: proto_args = 'void' return proto_args def getusercode(rout): return getmultilineblock(rout, 'usercode') def getusercode1(rout): return getmultilineblock(rout, 'usercode', counter=1) def getpymethoddef(rout): return getmultilineblock(rout, 'pymethoddef') def getargs(rout): sortargs, args = [], [] if 'args' in rout: args = rout['args'] if 'sortvars' in rout: for a in rout['sortvars']: if a in args: sortargs.append(a) for a in args: if a not in sortargs: sortargs.append(a) else: sortargs = rout['args'] return args, sortargs def getargs2(rout): sortargs, args = [], rout.get('args', []) auxvars = [a for a in rout['vars'].keys() if isintent_aux(rout['vars'][a]) and a not in args] args = auxvars + args if 'sortvars' in rout: for a in rout['sortvars']: if a in args: sortargs.append(a) for a in args: if a not in sortargs: sortargs.append(a) else: sortargs = auxvars + rout['args'] return args, sortargs def getrestdoc(rout): if 'f2pymultilines' not in rout: return None k = None if rout['block'] == 'python module': k = rout['block'], rout['name'] return rout['f2pymultilines'].get(k, None) def gentitle(name): ln = (80 - len(name) - 6) // 2 return '/*%s %s %s*/' % (ln * '*', name, ln * '*') def flatlist(lst): if isinstance(lst, list): return reduce(lambda x, y, f=flatlist: x + f(y), lst, []) return [lst] def stripcomma(s): if s and s[-1] == ',': return s[:-1] return s def replace(str, d, defaultsep=''): if isinstance(d, list): return [replace(str, _m, defaultsep) for _m in d] if isinstance(str, list): return [replace(_m, d, defaultsep) for _m in str] for k in 2 * list(d.keys()): if k == 'separatorsfor': continue if 'separatorsfor' in d and k in d['separatorsfor']: sep = d['separatorsfor'][k] else: sep = defaultsep if isinstance(d[k], list): str = str.replace('#%s#' % (k), sep.join(flatlist(d[k]))) else: str = str.replace('#%s#' % (k), d[k]) return str def dictappend(rd, ar): if isinstance(ar, list): for a in ar: rd = dictappend(rd, a) return rd for k in ar.keys(): if k[0] == '_': continue if k in rd: if isinstance(rd[k], str): rd[k] = [rd[k]] if isinstance(rd[k], list): if isinstance(ar[k], list): rd[k] = rd[k] + ar[k] else: rd[k].append(ar[k]) elif isinstance(rd[k], dict): if isinstance(ar[k], dict): if k == 'separatorsfor': for k1 in ar[k].keys(): if k1 not in rd[k]: rd[k][k1] = ar[k][k1] else: rd[k] = dictappend(rd[k], ar[k]) else: rd[k] = ar[k] return rd def applyrules(rules, d, var={}): ret = {} if isinstance(rules, list): for r in rules: rr = applyrules(r, d, var) ret = dictappend(ret, rr) if '_break' in rr: break return ret if '_check' in rules and (not rules['_check'](var)): return ret if 'need' in rules: res = applyrules({'needs': rules['need']}, d, var) if 'needs' in res: cfuncs.append_needs(res['needs']) for k in rules.keys(): if k == 'separatorsfor': ret[k] = rules[k] continue if isinstance(rules[k], str): ret[k] = replace(rules[k], d) elif isinstance(rules[k], list): ret[k] = [] for i in rules[k]: ar = applyrules({k: i}, d, var) if k in ar: ret[k].append(ar[k]) elif k[0] == '_': continue elif isinstance(rules[k], dict): ret[k] = [] for k1 in rules[k].keys(): if isinstance(k1, types.FunctionType) and k1(var): if isinstance(rules[k][k1], list): for i in rules[k][k1]: if isinstance(i, dict): res = applyrules({'supertext': i}, d, var) if 'supertext' in res: i = res['supertext'] else: i = '' ret[k].append(replace(i, d)) else: i = rules[k][k1] if isinstance(i, dict): res = applyrules({'supertext': i}, d) if 'supertext' in res: i = res['supertext'] else: i = '' ret[k].append(replace(i, d)) else: errmess('applyrules: ignoring rule %s.\n' % repr(rules[k])) if isinstance(ret[k], list): if len(ret[k]) == 1: ret[k] = ret[k][0] if ret[k] == []: del ret[k] return ret _f2py_module_name_match = re.compile(r'\s*python\s*module\s*(?P[\w_]+)', re.I).match _f2py_user_module_name_match = re.compile(r'\s*python\s*module\s*(?P[\w_]*?' r'__user__[\w_]*)', re.I).match def get_f2py_modulename(source): name = None with open(source) as f: for line in f: m = _f2py_module_name_match(line) if m: if _f2py_user_module_name_match(line): # skip *__user__* names continue name = m.group('name') break return name def getuseblocks(pymod): all_uses = [] for inner in pymod['body']: for modblock in inner['body']: if modblock.get('use'): all_uses.extend([x for x in modblock.get("use").keys() if "__" not in x]) return all_uses def process_f2cmap_dict(f2cmap_all, new_map, c2py_map, verbose = False): """ Update the Fortran-to-C type mapping dictionary with new mappings and return a list of successfully mapped C types. This function integrates a new mapping dictionary into an existing Fortran-to-C type mapping dictionary. It ensures that all keys are in lowercase and validates new entries against a given C-to-Python mapping dictionary. Redefinitions and invalid entries are reported with a warning. Parameters ---------- f2cmap_all : dict The existing Fortran-to-C type mapping dictionary that will be updated. It should be a dictionary of dictionaries where the main keys represent Fortran types and the nested dictionaries map Fortran type specifiers to corresponding C types. new_map : dict A dictionary containing new type mappings to be added to `f2cmap_all`. The structure should be similar to `f2cmap_all`, with keys representing Fortran types and values being dictionaries of type specifiers and their C type equivalents. c2py_map : dict A dictionary used for validating the C types in `new_map`. It maps C types to corresponding Python types and is used to ensure that the C types specified in `new_map` are valid. verbose : boolean A flag used to provide information about the types mapped Returns ------- tuple of (dict, list) The updated Fortran-to-C type mapping dictionary and a list of successfully mapped C types. """ f2cmap_mapped = [] new_map_lower = {} for k, d1 in new_map.items(): d1_lower = {k1.lower(): v1 for k1, v1 in d1.items()} new_map_lower[k.lower()] = d1_lower for k, d1 in new_map_lower.items(): if k not in f2cmap_all: f2cmap_all[k] = {} for k1, v1 in d1.items(): if v1 in c2py_map: if k1 in f2cmap_all[k]: outmess( "\tWarning: redefinition of {'%s':{'%s':'%s'->'%s'}}\n" % (k, k1, f2cmap_all[k][k1], v1) ) f2cmap_all[k][k1] = v1 if verbose: outmess('\tMapping "%s(kind=%s)" to "%s"\n' % (k, k1, v1)) f2cmap_mapped.append(v1) else: if verbose: errmess( "\tIgnoring map {'%s':{'%s':'%s'}}: '%s' must be in %s\n" % (k, k1, v1, v1, list(c2py_map.keys())) ) return f2cmap_all, f2cmap_mapped