import errno import os import posixpath import re import shlex import shutil import stat import sys import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from pipenv.utils import err from pipenv.utils.fileutils import normalize_drive, normalize_path from pipenv.vendor import click from pipenv.vendor.pythonfinder.utils import ensure_path, parse_python_version from .constants import FALSE_VALUES, SCHEME_LIST, TRUE_VALUES from .processes import subprocess_run @lru_cache def make_posix(path: str) -> str: """ Convert a path with possible windows-style separators to a posix-style path (with **/** separators instead of **\\** separators). :param Text path: A path to convert. :return: A converted posix-style path :rtype: Text >>> make_posix("c:/users/user/venvs/some_venv\\Lib\\site-packages") "c:/users/user/venvs/some_venv/Lib/site-packages" >>> make_posix("c:\\users\\user\\venvs\\some_venv") "c:/users/user/venvs/some_venv" """ if not isinstance(path, str): raise TypeError(f"Expected a string for path, received {path!r}...") starts_with_sep = path.startswith(os.path.sep) separated = normalize_path(path).split(os.path.sep) if isinstance(separated, (list, tuple)): path = posixpath.join(*separated) if starts_with_sep: path = f"/{path}" return path @contextmanager def chdir(path): """Context manager to change working directories.""" if not path: return prev_cwd = Path.cwd().as_posix() if isinstance(path, Path): path = path.as_posix() os.chdir(str(path)) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd) def looks_like_dir(path): seps = (sep for sep in (os.path.sep, os.path.altsep) if sep is not None) return any(sep in path for sep in seps) def load_path(python): import json from pathlib import Path python = Path(python).as_posix() c = subprocess_run([python, "-c", "import json, sys; print(json.dumps(sys.path))"]) if c.returncode == 0: return json.loads(c.stdout.strip()) else: return [] def path_to_url(path): return Path(normalize_drive(os.path.abspath(path))).as_uri() def get_windows_path(*args): """Sanitize a path for windows environments Accepts an arbitrary list of arguments and makes a clean windows path""" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*args)) def find_windows_executable(bin_path, exe_name): """Given an executable name, search the given location for an executable""" requested_path = get_windows_path(bin_path, exe_name) if os.path.isfile(requested_path): return requested_path try: pathext = os.environ["PATHEXT"] except KeyError: pass else: for ext in pathext.split(os.pathsep): path = get_windows_path(bin_path, exe_name + ext.strip().lower()) if os.path.isfile(path): return path return shutil.which(exe_name) def walk_up(bottom): """Mimic os.walk, but walk 'up' instead of down the directory tree. From: """ bottom = os.path.realpath(bottom) # Get files in current dir. try: names = os.listdir(bottom) except Exception: return dirs, nondirs = [], [] for name in names: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bottom, name)): dirs.append(name) else: nondirs.append(name) yield bottom, dirs, nondirs new_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(bottom, "..")) # See if we are at the top. if new_path == bottom: return yield from walk_up(new_path) def find_requirements(max_depth=3): """Returns the path of a requirements.txt file in parent directories.""" i = 0 for c, _, _ in walk_up(os.getcwd()): i += 1 if i < max_depth: r = os.path.join(c, "requirements.txt") if os.path.isfile(r): return r raise RuntimeError("No requirements.txt found!") # Borrowed from Pew. # See @contextmanager def temp_environ(): """Allow the ability to set os.environ temporarily""" environ = dict(os.environ) try: yield finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(environ) def escape_cmd(cmd): if any(special_char in cmd for special_char in ["<", ">", "&", ".", "^", "|", "?"]): cmd = f'"{cmd}"' return cmd def safe_expandvars(value): """Call os.path.expandvars if value is a string, otherwise do nothing.""" if isinstance(value, str): return os.path.expandvars(value) return value def cmd_list_to_shell(args): """Convert a list of arguments to a quoted shell command.""" return " ".join(shlex.quote(str(token)) for token in args) def get_workon_home(): workon_home = os.environ.get("WORKON_HOME") if not workon_home: if == "nt": workon_home = "~/.virtualenvs" else: workon_home = os.path.join( os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share"), "virtualenvs" ) # Create directory if it does not already exist expanded_path = Path(os.path.expandvars(workon_home)).expanduser() expanded_path = ensure_path(expanded_path) os.makedirs(expanded_path, exist_ok=True) return expanded_path def is_file(package): """Determine if a package name is for a File dependency.""" if hasattr(package, "keys"): return any(key for key in package if key in ["file", "path"]) if os.path.exists(str(package)): return True return any(str(package).startswith(start) for start in SCHEME_LIST) def is_virtual_environment(path): """Check if a given path is a virtual environment's root. This is done by checking if the directory contains a Python executable in its bin/Scripts directory. Not technically correct, but good enough for general usage. """ if not path.is_dir(): return False for bindir_name in ("bin", "Scripts"): for python in path.joinpath(bindir_name).glob("python*"): try: exeness = python.is_file() and os.access(str(python), os.X_OK) except OSError: exeness = False if exeness: return True return False def find_python(finder, line=None): """ Given a `pythonfinder.Finder` instance and an optional line, find a corresponding python :param finder: A :class:`pythonfinder.Finder` instance to use for searching :type finder: :class:pythonfinder.Finder` :param str line: A version, path, name, or nothing, defaults to None :return: A path to python :rtype: str """ if line and not isinstance(line, str): raise TypeError(f"Invalid python search type: expected string, received {line!r}") if line: modified_line = line if ( == "nt" and not os.path.exists(modified_line) and not modified_line.lower().endswith(".exe") ): modified_line += ".exe" if os.path.exists(modified_line) and shutil.which(modified_line): return modified_line if not finder: from pipenv.vendor.pythonfinder import Finder finder = Finder(global_search=True) if not line: result = next(iter(finder.find_all_python_versions()), None) elif line and line[0].isdigit() or re.match(r"^\d+(\.\d+)*$", line): version_info = parse_python_version(line) result = finder.find_python_version( major=version_info.get("major"), minor=version_info.get("minor"), patch=version_info.get("patch"), pre=version_info.get("is_prerelease"), dev=version_info.get("is_devrelease"), sort_by_path=True, ) else: result = finder.find_python_version(name=line) if not result: result = finder.which(line) if not result and "python" not in line.lower(): line = f"python{line}" result = find_python(finder, line) if result: if not isinstance(result, str): return result.path.as_posix() return result return def is_python_command(line): """ Given an input, checks whether the input is a request for python or notself. This can be a version, a python runtime name, or a generic 'python' or 'pythonX.Y' :param str line: A potential request to find python :returns: Whether the line is a python lookup :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(line, str): raise TypeError(f"Not a valid command to check: {line!r}") from pipenv.vendor.pythonfinder.utils import PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATIONS is_version = re.match(r"\d+(\.\d+)*", line) if ( line.startswith("python") or is_version or any(line.startswith(v) for v in PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATIONS) ): return True # we are less sure about this but we can guess if line.startswith("py"): return True return False @contextmanager def temp_path(): """Allow the ability to set os.environ temporarily""" path = list(sys.path) try: yield finally: sys.path = list(path) def is_readonly_path(fn): """Check if a provided path exists and is readonly. Permissions check is `bool(path.stat & stat.S_IREAD)` or `not os.access(path, os.W_OK)` """ if os.path.exists(fn): return (os.stat(fn).st_mode & stat.S_IREAD) or not os.access(fn, os.W_OK) return False def set_write_bit(fn): if isinstance(fn, str) and not os.path.exists(fn): return os.chmod(fn, stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR) return def handle_remove_readonly(func, path, exc): """Error handler for shutil.rmtree. Windows source repo folders are read-only by default, so this error handler attempts to set them as writeable and then proceed with deletion.""" # Check for read-only attribute default_warning_message = "Unable to remove file due to permissions restriction: {!r}" # split the initial exception out into its type, exception, and traceback exc_type, exc_exception, exc_tb = exc if is_readonly_path(path): # Apply write permission and call original function set_write_bit(path) try: func(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno in [errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM]: warnings.warn( default_warning_message.format(path), ResourceWarning, stacklevel=1 ) return if exc_exception.errno in [errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM]: warnings.warn(default_warning_message.format(path), ResourceWarning, stacklevel=1) return raise exc def style_no_color(text, fg=None, bg=None, **kwargs) -> str: """Wrap click style to ignore colors.""" if hasattr(click, "original_style"): return click.original_style(text, **kwargs) return, **kwargs) def env_to_bool(val): """ Convert **val** to boolean, returning True if truthy or False if falsey :param Any val: The value to convert :return: False if falsey, True if truthy :rtype: bool :raises: ValueError: if val is not a valid boolean-like """ if isinstance(val, bool): return val try: if val.lower() in FALSE_VALUES: return False if val.lower() in TRUE_VALUES: return True except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError(f"Value is not a valid boolean-like: {val}") def is_env_truthy(name): """An environment variable is truthy if it exists and isn't one of (0, false, no, off)""" return env_to_bool(os.getenv(name, False)) # noqa: PLW1508 def project_python(project, system=False): if not system: python = project._which("python") else: interpreters = [system_which(p) for p in ("python3", "python")] interpreters = [i for i in interpreters if i] # filter out not found interpreters python = interpreters[0] if interpreters else None if not python: err.print("The Python interpreter can't be found.", style="red") sys.exit(1) return Path(python).as_posix() def system_which(command, path=None): """Emulates the system's which. Returns None if not found.""" import shutil result = shutil.which(command, path=path) if result is None: _which = "where" if == "nt" else "which -a" env = {"PATH": path} if path else None c = subprocess_run(f"{_which} {command}", shell=True, env=env) if c.returncode == 127: click.echo( "{}: the {} system utility is required for Pipenv to find Python installations properly." "\n Please install it.".format("Warning", fg="red", bold=True),, fg="yellow"), ), err=True, ) if c.returncode == 0: result = next(iter(c.stdout.splitlines()), None) return result def shorten_path(location, bold=False): """Returns a visually shorter representation of a given system path.""" original = location short = os.sep.join( [s[0] if len(s) > (len("2long4")) else s for s in location.split(os.sep)] ) short = short.split(os.sep) short[-1] = original.split(os.sep)[-1] if bold: short[-1] = str([-1], bold=True)) return os.sep.join(short) def isatty(stream): try: is_a_tty = stream.isatty() except Exception: # pragma: no cover is_a_tty = False return is_a_tty