import json import logging import os import platform import sys from datetime import datetime from difflib import SequenceMatcher from threading import Lock from typing import List import as click from import BadParameter from pipenv.vendor.dparse import parse, filetypes from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version from pipenv.vendor.ruamel.yaml import YAML from pipenv.vendor.ruamel.yaml.error import MarkedYAMLError from import EXIT_CODE_FAILURE, EXIT_CODE_OK from import Package, RequirementFile LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_a_remote_mirror(mirror): return mirror.startswith("http://") or mirror.startswith("https://") def is_supported_by_parser(path): supported_types = (".txt", ".in", ".yml", ".ini", "Pipfile", "Pipfile.lock", "setup.cfg", "poetry.lock") return path.endswith(supported_types) def read_requirements(fh, resolve=True): """ Reads requirements from a file like object and (optionally) from referenced files. :param fh: file like object to read from :param resolve: boolean. resolves referenced files. :return: generator """ is_temp_file = not hasattr(fh, 'name') path = None found = 'temp_file' file_type = filetypes.requirements_txt if not is_temp_file and is_supported_by_parser( LOG.debug('not temp and a compatible file') path = found = path file_type = None LOG.debug(f'Path: {path}') LOG.debug(f'File Type: {file_type}') LOG.debug('Trying to parse file using dparse...') content = LOG.debug(f'Content: {content}') dependency_file = parse(content, path=path, resolve=resolve, file_type=file_type) LOG.debug(f'Dependency file: {dependency_file.serialize()}') LOG.debug(f'Parsed, dependencies: {[dep.serialize() for dep in dependency_file.resolved_dependencies]}') for dep in dependency_file.resolved_dependencies: try: spec = next(iter(dep.specs))._spec except StopIteration: click.secho( f"Warning: unpinned requirement '{}' found in {path}, " "unable to check.", fg="yellow", file=sys.stderr ) return version = spec[1] if spec[0] == '==': yield Package(, version=version, found=found, insecure_versions=[], secure_versions=[], latest_version=None, latest_version_without_known_vulnerabilities=None, more_info_url=None) def get_proxy_dict(proxy_protocol, proxy_host, proxy_port): if proxy_protocol and proxy_host and proxy_port: # Safety only uses https request, so only https dict will be passed to requests return {'https': f"{proxy_protocol}://{proxy_host}:{str(proxy_port)}"} return None def get_license_name_by_id(license_id, db): licenses = db.get('licenses', []) for name, id in licenses.items(): if id == license_id: return name return None def get_flags_from_context(): flags = {} context = click.get_current_context(silent=True) if context: for option in context.command.params: flags_per_opt = option.opts + option.secondary_opts for flag in flags_per_opt: flags[flag] = return flags def get_used_options(): flags = get_flags_from_context() used_options = {} for arg in sys.argv: cleaned_arg = arg if '=' not in arg else arg.split('=')[0] if cleaned_arg in flags: option_used = flags.get(cleaned_arg) if option_used in used_options: used_options[option_used][cleaned_arg] = used_options[option_used].get(cleaned_arg, 0) + 1 else: used_options[option_used] = {cleaned_arg: 1} return used_options def get_safety_version(): from import VERSION return VERSION def get_primary_announcement(announcements): for announcement in announcements: if announcement.get('type', '').lower() == 'primary_announcement': try: from import build_primary_announcement build_primary_announcement(announcement, columns=80) except Exception as e: LOG.debug(f'Failed to build primary announcement: {str(e)}') return None return announcement return None def get_basic_announcements(announcements): return [announcement for announcement in announcements if announcement.get('type', '').lower() != 'primary_announcement'] def filter_announcements(announcements, by_type='error'): return [announcement for announcement in announcements if announcement.get('type', '').lower() == by_type] def build_telemetry_data(telemetry=True): context = SafetyContext() body = { 'os_type': os.environ.get("SAFETY_OS_TYPE", None) or platform.system(), 'os_release': os.environ.get("SAFETY_OS_RELEASE", None) or platform.release(), 'os_description': os.environ.get("SAFETY_OS_DESCRIPTION", None) or platform.platform(), 'python_version': platform.python_version(), 'safety_command': context.command, 'safety_options': get_used_options() } if telemetry else {} body['safety_version'] = get_safety_version() body['safety_source'] = os.environ.get("SAFETY_SOURCE", None) or context.safety_source LOG.debug(f'Telemetry body built: {body}') return body def build_git_data(): import subprocess def git_command(commandline): return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() try: is_git = git_command(["git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"]) except Exception: is_git = False if is_git == "true": result = { "branch": "", "tag": "", "commit": "", "dirty": "", "origin": "" } try: result['branch'] = git_command(["git", "symbolic-ref", "--short", "-q", "HEAD"]) result['tag'] = git_command(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--exact-match"]) commit = git_command(["git", "describe", '--match=""', '--always', '--abbrev=40', '--dirty']) result['dirty'] = commit.endswith('-dirty') result['commit'] = commit.split("-dirty")[0] result['origin'] = git_command(["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"]) except Exception: pass return result else: return { "error": "not-git-repo" } def output_exception(exception, exit_code_output=True): click.secho(str(exception), fg="red", file=sys.stderr) if exit_code_output: exit_code = EXIT_CODE_FAILURE if hasattr(exception, 'get_exit_code'): exit_code = exception.get_exit_code() else: exit_code = EXIT_CODE_OK sys.exit(exit_code) def get_processed_options(policy_file, ignore, ignore_severity_rules, exit_code): if policy_file: security = policy_file.get('security', {}) source = click.get_current_context().get_parameter_source("exit_code") if not ignore: ignore = security.get('ignore-vulnerabilities', {}) if source == click.core.ParameterSource.DEFAULT: exit_code = not security.get('continue-on-vulnerability-error', False) ignore_cvss_below = security.get('ignore-cvss-severity-below', 0.0) ignore_cvss_unknown = security.get('ignore-cvss-unknown-severity', False) ignore_severity_rules = {'ignore-cvss-severity-below': ignore_cvss_below, 'ignore-cvss-unknown-severity': ignore_cvss_unknown} return ignore, ignore_severity_rules, exit_code class MutuallyExclusiveOption(click.Option): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.mutually_exclusive = set(kwargs.pop('mutually_exclusive', [])) self.with_values = kwargs.pop('with_values', {}) help = kwargs.get('help', '') if self.mutually_exclusive: ex_str = ', '.join(["{0} with values {1}".format(item, self.with_values.get(item)) if item in self.with_values else item for item in self.mutually_exclusive]) kwargs['help'] = help + ( ' NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with ' ' arguments: [' + ex_str + '].' ) super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args): m_exclusive_used = self.mutually_exclusive.intersection(opts) option_used = m_exclusive_used and in opts exclusive_value_used = False for used in m_exclusive_used: value_used = opts.get(used, None) if not isinstance(value_used, List): value_used = [value_used] if value_used and set(self.with_values.get(used, [])).intersection(value_used): exclusive_value_used = True if option_used and (not self.with_values or exclusive_value_used): options = ', '.join(self.opts) prohibited = ''.join(["\n * --{0} with {1}".format(item, self.with_values.get( item)) if item in self.with_values else f"\n * {item}" for item in self.mutually_exclusive]) raise click.UsageError( f"Illegal usage: `{options}` is mutually exclusive with: {prohibited}" ) return super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).handle_parse_result( ctx, opts, args ) class DependentOption(click.Option): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.required_options = set(kwargs.pop('required_options', [])) help = kwargs.get('help', '') if self.required_options: ex_str = ', '.join(self.required_options) kwargs['help'] = help + ( ' NOTE: This argument requires the following flags ' ' [' + ex_str + '].' ) super(DependentOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args): missing_required_arguments = self.required_options.difference(opts) and in opts if missing_required_arguments: raise click.UsageError( "Illegal usage: `{}` needs the " "arguments `{}`.".format(, ', '.join(missing_required_arguments) ) ) return super(DependentOption, self).handle_parse_result( ctx, opts, args ) def transform_ignore(ctx, param, value): if isinstance(value, tuple): return dict(zip(value, [{'reason': '', 'expires': None} for _ in range(len(value))])) return {} def active_color_if_needed(ctx, param, value): if value == 'screen': ctx.color = True color = os.environ.get("SAFETY_COLOR", None) if color is not None: color = color.lower() if color == '1' or color == 'true': ctx.color = True elif color == '0' or color == 'false': ctx.color = False return value def json_alias(ctx, param, value): if value: os.environ['SAFETY_OUTPUT'] = 'json' return value def bare_alias(ctx, param, value): if value: os.environ['SAFETY_OUTPUT'] = 'bare' return value def get_terminal_size(): from shutil import get_terminal_size as t_size # get_terminal_size can report 0, 0 if run from pseudo-terminal prior Python 3.11 versions columns = t_size().columns or 80 lines = t_size().lines or 24 return os.terminal_size((columns, lines)) def validate_expiration_date(expiration_date): d = None if expiration_date: try: d = datetime.strptime(expiration_date, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError as e: pass try: d = datetime.strptime(expiration_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except ValueError as e: pass return d class SafetyPolicyFile(click.ParamType): """ Custom Safety Policy file to hold validations """ name = "filename" envvar_list_splitter = os.path.pathsep def __init__( self, mode: str = "r", encoding: str = None, errors: str = "strict", pure: bool = os.environ.get('SAFETY_PURE_YAML', 'false').lower() == 'true' ) -> None: self.mode = mode self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.basic_msg = '\n' +'Unable to load the Safety Policy file "{name}".', fg='red') self.pure = pure def to_info_dict(self): info_dict = super().to_info_dict() info_dict.update(mode=self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) return info_dict def fail_if_unrecognized_keys(self, used_keys, valid_keys, param=None, ctx=None, msg='{hint}', context_hint=''): for keyword in used_keys: if keyword not in valid_keys: match = None max_ratio = 0.0 if isinstance(keyword, str): for option in valid_keys: ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, keyword, option).ratio() if ratio > max_ratio: match = option max_ratio = ratio maybe_msg = f' Maybe you meant: {match}' if max_ratio > 0.7 else \ f' Valid keywords in this level are: {", ".join(valid_keys)}''{context_hint}"{keyword}" is not a valid keyword.{maybe_msg}'), param, ctx) def fail_if_wrong_bool_value(self, keyword, value, msg='{hint}'): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, bool):"'{keyword}' value needs to be a boolean. " "You can use True, False, TRUE, FALSE, true or false")) def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: if hasattr(value, "read") or hasattr(value, "write"): return value msg = self.basic_msg.format(name=value) + '\n' +'HINT:', fg='yellow') + ' {hint}' f, _ = click.types.open_stream( value, self.mode, self.encoding, self.errors, atomic=False ) filename = '' try: raw = yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=self.pure) safety_policy = yaml.load(raw) filename = f.close() except Exception as e: show_parsed_hint = isinstance(e, MarkedYAMLError) hint = str(e) if show_parsed_hint: hint = f'{str(e.problem).strip()} {str(e.context).strip()} {str(e.context_mark).strip()}', hint=hint), param, ctx) if not safety_policy or not isinstance(safety_policy, dict) or not safety_policy.get('security', None): msg.format(hint='you are missing the security root tag'), param, ctx) security_config = safety_policy.get('security', {}) security_keys = ['ignore-cvss-severity-below', 'ignore-cvss-unknown-severity', 'ignore-vulnerabilities', 'continue-on-vulnerability-error'] used_keys = security_config.keys() self.fail_if_unrecognized_keys(used_keys, security_keys, param=param, ctx=ctx, msg=msg, context_hint='"security" -> ') ignore_cvss_security_below = security_config.get('ignore-cvss-severity-below', None) if ignore_cvss_security_below: limit = 0.0 try: limit = float(ignore_cvss_security_below) except ValueError as e:"'ignore-cvss-severity-below' value needs to be an integer or float.")) if limit < 0 or limit > 10:"'ignore-cvss-severity-below' needs to be a value between 0 and 10")) continue_on_vulnerability_error = security_config.get('continue-on-vulnerability-error', None) self.fail_if_wrong_bool_value('continue-on-vulnerability-error', continue_on_vulnerability_error, msg) ignore_cvss_unknown_severity = security_config.get('ignore-cvss-unknown-severity', None) self.fail_if_wrong_bool_value('ignore-cvss-unknown-severity', ignore_cvss_unknown_severity, msg) ignore_vulns = safety_policy.get('security', {}).get('ignore-vulnerabilities', {}) if ignore_vulns: if not isinstance(ignore_vulns, dict):"Vulnerability IDs under the 'ignore-vulnerabilities' key, need to " "follow the convention 'ID_NUMBER:', probably you are missing a colon.")) normalized = {} for ignored_vuln_id, config in ignore_vulns.items(): ignored_vuln_config = config if config else {} if not isinstance(ignored_vuln_config, dict): msg.format(hint=f"Wrong configuration under the vulnerability with ID: {ignored_vuln_id}")) context_msg = f'"security" -> "ignore-vulnerabilities" -> "{ignored_vuln_id}" -> ' self.fail_if_unrecognized_keys(ignored_vuln_config.keys(), ['reason', 'expires'], param=param, ctx=ctx, msg=msg, context_hint=context_msg) reason = ignored_vuln_config.get('reason', '') reason = str(reason) if reason else None expires = ignored_vuln_config.get('expires', '') expires = str(expires) if expires else None try: if int(ignored_vuln_id) < 0: raise ValueError('Negative Vulnerability ID') except ValueError as e: hint=f"vulnerability id {ignored_vuln_id} under the 'ignore-vulnerabilities' root needs to " f"be a positive integer") ) # Validate expires d = validate_expiration_date(expires) if expires and not d:"{context_msg}expires: \"{expires}\" isn't a valid format " f"for the expires keyword, " "valid options are: YYYY-MM-DD or " "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") ) normalized[str(ignored_vuln_id)] = {'reason': reason, 'expires': d} safety_policy['security']['ignore-vulnerabilities'] = normalized safety_policy['filename'] = filename safety_policy['raw'] = raw else: safety_policy['security']['ignore-vulnerabilities'] = {} return safety_policy except BadParameter as expected_e: raise expected_e except Exception as e: # Don't fail in the default case if ctx and isinstance(e, OSError): source = ctx.get_parameter_source("policy_file") if e.errno == 2 and source == click.core.ParameterSource.DEFAULT and value == '.safety-policy.yml': return None problem ="Policy file YAML is not valid.") hint ="HINT: ", fg='yellow') + str(e)"{problem}\n{hint}", param, ctx) def shell_complete( self, ctx: "Context", param: "Parameter", incomplete: str ): """Return a special completion marker that tells the completion system to use the shell to provide file path completions. :param ctx: Invocation context for this command. :param param: The parameter that is requesting completion. :param incomplete: Value being completed. May be empty. .. versionadded:: 8.0 """ from import CompletionItem return [CompletionItem(incomplete, type="file")] class SingletonMeta(type): _instances = {} _lock = Lock() def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): with cls._lock: if cls not in cls._instances: instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) cls._instances[cls] = instance return cls._instances[cls] class SafetyContext(metaclass=SingletonMeta): packages = None key = False db_mirror = False cached = None ignore_vulns = None ignore_severity_rules = None proxy = None include_ignored = False telemetry = None files = None stdin = None is_env_scan = None command = None review = None params = {} safety_source = 'code' def sync_safety_context(f): def new_func(*args, **kwargs): ctx = SafetyContext() for attr in dir(ctx): if attr in kwargs: setattr(ctx, attr, kwargs.get(attr)) return f(*args, **kwargs) return new_func @sync_safety_context def get_packages_licenses(packages=None, licenses_db=None): """Get the licenses for the specified packages based on their version. :param packages: packages list :param licenses_db: the licenses db in the raw form. :return: list of objects with the packages and their respectives licenses. """ SafetyContext().command = 'license' if not packages: packages = [] if not licenses_db: licenses_db = {} packages_licenses_db = licenses_db.get('packages', {}) filtered_packages_licenses = [] for pkg in packages: # Ignore recursive files not resolved if isinstance(pkg, RequirementFile): continue # normalize the package name pkg_name = canonicalize_name( # packages may have different licenses depending their version. pkg_licenses = packages_licenses_db.get(pkg_name, []) version_requested = parse_version(pkg.version) license_id = None license_name = None for pkg_version in pkg_licenses: license_start_version = parse_version(pkg_version['start_version']) # Stops and return the previous stored license when a new # license starts on a version above the requested one. if version_requested >= license_start_version: license_id = pkg_version['license_id'] else: # We found the license for the version requested break if license_id: license_name = get_license_name_by_id(license_id, licenses_db) if not license_id or not license_name: license_name = "unknown" filtered_packages_licenses.append({ "package": pkg_name, "version": pkg.version, "license": license_name }) return filtered_packages_licenses