import json import logging import os import textwrap from datetime import datetime import as click from import RED, YELLOW from import get_safety_version, Package, get_terminal_size, \ SafetyContext, build_telemetry_data, build_git_data, is_a_remote_mirror LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def build_announcements_section_content(announcements, columns=get_terminal_size().columns, start_line_decorator=' ', end_line_decorator=' '): section = '' for i, announcement in enumerate(announcements): color = '' if announcement.get('type') == 'error': color = RED elif announcement.get('type') == 'warning': color = YELLOW item = '{message}'.format( message=format_long_text('* ' + announcement.get('message'), color, columns, start_line_decorator, end_line_decorator)) section += '{item}'.format(item=item) if i + 1 < len(announcements): section += '\n' return section def add_empty_line(): return format_long_text('') def style_lines(lines, columns, pre_processed_text='', start_line=' ' * 4, end_line=' ' * 4): styled_text = pre_processed_text for line in lines: styled_line = '' left_padding = ' ' * line.get('left_padding', 0) for i, word in enumerate(line.get('words', [])): if word.get('style', {}): text = '' if i == 0: text = left_padding # Include the line padding in the word to avoid Github issues left_padding = '' # Clean left padding to avoid be added two times text += word.get('value', '') styled_line +=, **word.get('style', {})) else: styled_line += word.get('value', '') styled_text += format_long_text(styled_line, columns=columns, start_line_decorator=start_line, end_line_decorator=end_line, left_padding=left_padding, **line.get('format', {})) + '\n' return styled_text def format_vulnerability(vulnerability, full_mode, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns): common_format = {'left_padding': 3, 'format': {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3, 'max_lines': None}} styled_vulnerability = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Vulnerability ID: '}, {'value': vulnerability.vulnerability_id}]}, ] vulnerability_spec = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Affected spec: '}, {'value': vulnerability.vulnerable_spec}]}] cve = vulnerability.CVE cvssv2_line = None cve_lines = [] if cve: if full_mode and cve.cvssv2: b = cve.cvssv2.get("base_score", "-") s = cve.cvssv2.get("impact_score", "-") v = cve.cvssv2.get("vector_string", "-") # Reset sub_indent as the left_margin is going to be applied in this case cvssv2_line = {'format': {'sub_indent': ''}, 'words': [ {'value': f'CVSS v2, BASE SCORE {b}, IMPACT SCORE {s}, VECTOR STRING {v}'}, ]} if cve.cvssv3 and "base_severity" in cve.cvssv3.keys(): cvss_base_severity_style = {'bold': True} base_severity = cve.cvssv3.get("base_severity", "-") if base_severity.upper() in ['HIGH', 'CRITICAL']: cvss_base_severity_style['fg'] = 'red' b = cve.cvssv3.get("base_score", "-") if full_mode: s = cve.cvssv3.get("impact_score", "-") v = cve.cvssv3.get("vector_string", "-") cvssv3_text = f'CVSS v3, BASE SCORE {b}, IMPACT SCORE {s}, VECTOR STRING {v}' else: cvssv3_text = f'CVSS v3, BASE SCORE {b} ' cve_lines = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': '{0} is '.format(}, {'style': cvss_base_severity_style, 'value': f'{base_severity} SEVERITY => '}, {'value': cvssv3_text}, ]}, ] if cvssv2_line: cve_lines.append(cvssv2_line) elif cve_lines = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value':}]} ] advisory_format = {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3, 'max_lines': None} if full_mode else {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3, 'max_lines': 2} basic_vuln_data_lines = [ {'format': advisory_format, 'words': [ {'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'ADVISORY: '}, {'value': vulnerability.advisory.replace('\n', '')}]} ] if SafetyContext().key: fixed_version_line = {'words': [ {'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Fixed versions: '}, {'value': ', '.join(vulnerability.fixed_versions) if vulnerability.fixed_versions else 'No known fix'} ]} basic_vuln_data_lines.append(fixed_version_line) more_info_line = [{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'For more information, please visit '}, {'value':}]}] vuln_title = f'-> Vulnerability found in {vulnerability.package_name} version {vulnerability.analyzed_version}\n' styled_text =, fg='red') to_print = styled_vulnerability if not vulnerability.ignored: to_print += vulnerability_spec + basic_vuln_data_lines + cve_lines else: generic_reason = 'This vulnerability is being ignored' if vulnerability.ignored_expires: generic_reason += f" until {vulnerability.ignored_expires.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')}. " \ f"See your configurations" specific_reason = None if vulnerability.ignored_reason: specific_reason = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Reason: '}, {'value': vulnerability.ignored_reason}]}] expire_section = [{'words': [ {'style': {'bold': True, 'fg': 'green'}, 'value': f'{generic_reason}.'}, ]}] if specific_reason: expire_section += specific_reason to_print += expire_section if cve: to_print += more_info_line to_print = [{**common_format, **line} for line in to_print] content = style_lines(to_print, columns, styled_text, start_line='', end_line='', ) return click.unstyle(content) if only_text else content def format_license(license, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns): to_print = [ {'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': license['package']}, {'value': ' version {0} found using license '.format(license['version'])}, {'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': license['license']} ] }, ] content = style_lines(to_print, columns, '-> ', start_line='', end_line='') return click.unstyle(content) if only_text else content def build_remediation_section(remediations, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns, kwargs=None): columns -= 2 left_padding = ' ' * 3 if not kwargs: # Reset default params in the format_long_text func kwargs = {'left_padding': '', 'columns': columns, 'start_line_decorator': '', 'end_line_decorator': '', 'sub_indent': left_padding} END_SECTION = '+' + '=' * columns + '+' if not remediations: return [] content = '' total_vulns = 0 total_packages = len(remediations.keys()) for pkg in remediations.keys(): total_vulns += remediations[pkg]['vulns_found'] upgrade_to = remediations[pkg]['closest_secure_version']['major'] downgrade_to = remediations[pkg]['closest_secure_version']['minor'] fix_version = None if upgrade_to: fix_version = str(upgrade_to) elif downgrade_to: fix_version = str(downgrade_to) new_line = '\n' other_options = [str(fix) for fix in remediations[pkg].get('secure_versions', []) if str(fix) != fix_version] raw_recommendation = f"We recommend upgrading to version {upgrade_to} of {pkg}." if other_options: raw_other_options = ', '.join(other_options) raw_pre_other_options = 'Other versions without known vulnerabilities are:' if len(other_options) == 1: raw_pre_other_options = 'Other version without known vulnerabilities is' raw_recommendation = f"{raw_recommendation} {raw_pre_other_options} " \ f"{raw_other_options}" remediation_content = [ f'{left_padding}The closest version with no known vulnerabilities is ' +, bold=True), new_line,'{left_padding}{raw_recommendation}', bold=True, fg='green') ] if not fix_version: remediation_content = [new_line,'{left_padding}There is no known fix for this vulnerability.', bold=True, fg='yellow')] text = 'vulnerabilities' if remediations[pkg]['vulns_found'] > 1 else 'vulnerability' raw_rem_title = f"-> {pkg} version {remediations[pkg]['version']} was found, " \ f"which has {remediations[pkg]['vulns_found']} {text}" remediation_title =, fg=RED, bold=True) content += new_line + format_long_text(remediation_title, **kwargs) + new_line pre_content = remediation_content + [ f"{left_padding}For more information, please visit {remediations[pkg]['more_info_url']}", f'{left_padding}Always check for breaking changes when upgrading packages.', new_line] for i, element in enumerate(pre_content): content += format_long_text(element, **kwargs) if i + 1 < len(pre_content): content += '\n' title = format_long_text('{left_padding}REMEDIATIONS', fg='green', bold=True), **kwargs) body = [content] if not is_using_api_key(): vuln_text = 'vulnerabilities were' if total_vulns != 1 else 'vulnerability was' pkg_text = 'packages' if total_packages > 1 else 'package' msg = "{0} {1} found in {2} {3}. " \ "For detailed remediation & fix recommendations, upgrade to a commercial license."\ .format(total_vulns, vuln_text, total_packages, pkg_text) content = '\n' + format_long_text(msg, left_padding=' ', columns=columns) + '\n' body = [content] body.append(END_SECTION) content = [title] + body if only_text: content = [click.unstyle(item) for item in content] return content def get_final_brief(total_vulns_found, total_remediations, ignored, total_ignored, kwargs=None): if not kwargs: kwargs = {} total_vulns = max(0, total_vulns_found - total_ignored) vuln_text = 'vulnerabilities' if total_ignored > 1 else 'vulnerability' pkg_text = 'packages were' if len(ignored.keys()) > 1 else 'package was' policy_file_text = ' using a safety policy file' if is_using_a_safety_policy_file() else '' vuln_brief = f" {total_vulns} vulnerabilit{'y was' if total_vulns == 1 else 'ies were'} found." ignored_text = f' {total_ignored} {vuln_text} from {len(ignored.keys())} {pkg_text} ignored.' if ignored else '' remediation_text = f" {total_remediations} remediation{' was' if total_remediations == 1 else 's were'} " \ f"recommended." if is_using_api_key() else '' raw_brief = f"Scan was completed{policy_file_text}.{vuln_brief}{ignored_text}{remediation_text}" return format_long_text(raw_brief, start_line_decorator=' ', **kwargs) def get_final_brief_license(licenses, kwargs=None): if not kwargs: kwargs = {} licenses_text = ' Scan was completed.' if licenses: licenses_text = 'The following software licenses were present in your system: {0}'.format(', '.join(licenses)) return format_long_text("{0}".format(licenses_text), start_line_decorator=' ', **kwargs) def format_long_text(text, color='', columns=get_terminal_size().columns, start_line_decorator=' ', end_line_decorator=' ', left_padding='', max_lines=None, styling=None, indent='', sub_indent=''): if not styling: styling = {} if color: styling.update({'fg': color}) columns -= len(start_line_decorator) + len(end_line_decorator) formatted_lines = [] lines = text.replace('\r', '').splitlines() for line in lines: base_format = "{:" + str(columns) + "}" if line == '': empty_line = base_format.format(" ") formatted_lines.append("{0}{1}{2}".format(start_line_decorator, empty_line, end_line_decorator)) wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(line, width=columns, max_lines=max_lines, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=sub_indent, placeholder='...') for wrapped_line in wrapped_lines: try: new_line = left_padding + wrapped_line.encode('utf-8') except TypeError: new_line = left_padding + wrapped_line if styling: new_line =, **styling) formatted_lines.append(f"{start_line_decorator}{new_line}{end_line_decorator}") return "\n".join(formatted_lines) def get_printable_list_of_scanned_items(scanning_target): context = SafetyContext() result = [] scanned_items_data = [] if scanning_target == 'environment': locations = set([pkg.found for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)]) for path in locations: result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': '-> ' + path}]) scanned_items_data.append(path) if len(locations) <= 0: msg = 'No locations found in the environment' result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': msg}]) scanned_items_data.append(msg) elif scanning_target == 'stdin': scanned_stdin = [ for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)] value = 'No found packages in stdin' scanned_items_data = [value] if len(scanned_stdin) > 0: value = ', '.join(scanned_stdin) scanned_items_data = scanned_stdin result.append( [{'styled': False, 'value': value}]) elif scanning_target == 'files': for file in context.params.get('files', []): result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': f'-> {}'}]) scanned_items_data.append( elif scanning_target == 'file': file = context.params.get('file', None) name = if file else '' result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': f'-> {name}'}]) scanned_items_data.append(name) return result, scanned_items_data REPORT_HEADING = format_long_text('REPORT', bold=True)) def build_report_brief_section(columns=None, primary_announcement=None, report_type=1, **kwargs): if not columns: columns = get_terminal_size().columns styled_brief_lines = [] if primary_announcement: styled_brief_lines.append( build_primary_announcement(columns=columns, primary_announcement=primary_announcement)) for line in get_report_brief_info(report_type=report_type, **kwargs): ln = '' padding = ' ' * 2 for i, words in enumerate(line): processed_words = words.get('value', '') if words.get('style', False): text = '' if i == 0: text = padding padding = '' text += processed_words processed_words =, bold=True) ln += processed_words styled_brief_lines.append(format_long_text(ln, color='', columns=columns, start_line_decorator='', left_padding=padding, end_line_decorator='', sub_indent=' ' * 2)) return "\n".join([add_empty_line(), REPORT_HEADING, add_empty_line(), '\n'.join(styled_brief_lines)]) def build_report_for_review_vuln_report(as_dict=False): ctx = SafetyContext() report_from_file = packages = ctx.packages if as_dict: return report_from_file policy_f_name = report_from_file.get('policy_file', None) safety_policy_used = [] if policy_f_name: safety_policy_used = [ {'style': False, 'value': '\nScanning using a security policy file'}, {'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(policy_f_name)}, ] action_executed = [ {'style': True, 'value': 'Scanning dependencies'}, {'style': False, 'value': ' in your '}, {'style': True, 'value': report_from_file.get('scan_target', '-') + ':'}, ] scanned_items = [] for name in report_from_file.get('scanned', []): scanned_items.append([{'styled': False, 'value': '-> ' + name}]) nl = [{'style': False, 'value': ''}] using_sentence = build_using_sentence(report_from_file.get('api_key', None), report_from_file.get('local_database_path_used', None)) scanned_count_sentence = build_scanned_count_sentence(packages) old_timestamp = report_from_file.get('timestamp', None) old_timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Report generated '}, {'style': True, 'value': old_timestamp}] now = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) current_timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Timestamp '}, {'style': True, 'value': now}] brief_info = [[{'style': False, 'value': 'Safety '}, {'style': True, 'value': 'v' + report_from_file.get('safety_version', '-')}, {'style': False, 'value': ' is scanning for '}, {'style': True, 'value': 'Vulnerabilities'}, {'style': True, 'value': '...'}] + safety_policy_used, action_executed ] + [nl] + scanned_items + [nl] + [using_sentence] + [scanned_count_sentence] + [old_timestamp] + \ [current_timestamp] return brief_info def build_using_sentence(key, db): key_sentence = [] custom_integration = os.environ.get('SAFETY_CUSTOM_INTEGRATION', 'false').lower() == 'true' if key: key_sentence = [{'style': True, 'value': 'an API KEY'}, {'style': False, 'value': ' and the '}] db_name = 'PyUp Commercial' elif db: if is_a_remote_mirror(db): if custom_integration: return [] db_name = f"remote URL {db}" else: db_name = f"local file {db}" else: db_name = 'non-commercial' database_sentence = [{'style': True, 'value': db_name + ' database'}] return [{'style': False, 'value': 'Using '}] + key_sentence + database_sentence def build_scanned_count_sentence(packages): scanned_count = 'No packages found' if len(packages) >= 1: scanned_count = 'Found and scanned {0} {1}'.format(len(packages), 'packages' if len(packages) > 1 else 'package') return [{'style': True, 'value': scanned_count}] def add_warnings_if_needed(brief_info): ctx = SafetyContext() warnings = [] if ctx.packages: if ctx.params.get('continue_on_error', False): warnings += [[{'style': True, 'value': '* Continue-on-error is enabled, so returning successful (0) exit code in all cases.'}]] if ctx.params.get('ignore_severity_rules', False) and not is_using_api_key(): warnings += [[{'style': True, 'value': '* Could not filter by severity, please upgrade your account to include severity data.'}]] if warnings: brief_info += [[{'style': False, 'value': ''}]] + warnings def get_report_brief_info(as_dict=False, report_type=1, **kwargs):'get_report_brief_info: %s, %s, %s', as_dict, report_type, kwargs) context = SafetyContext() packages = [pkg for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)] brief_data = {} command = context.command if command == 'review': review = build_report_for_review_vuln_report(as_dict) return review key = context.key db = context.db_mirror scanning_types = {'check': {'name': 'Vulnerabilities', 'action': 'Scanning dependencies', 'scanning_target': 'environment'}, # Files, Env or Stdin 'license': {'name': 'Licenses', 'action': 'Scanning licenses', 'scanning_target': 'environment'}, # Files or Env 'review': {'name': 'Report', 'action': 'Reading the report', 'scanning_target': 'file'}} # From file targets = ['stdin', 'environment', 'files', 'file'] for target in targets: if context.params.get(target, False): scanning_types[command]['scanning_target'] = target break scanning_target = scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('scanning_target', '') brief_data['scan_target'] = scanning_target scanned_items, data = get_printable_list_of_scanned_items(scanning_target) brief_data['scanned'] = data nl = [{'style': False, 'value': ''}] action_executed = [ {'style': True, 'value': scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('action', '')}, {'style': False, 'value': ' in your '}, {'style': True, 'value': scanning_target + ':'}, ] policy_file = context.params.get('policy_file', None) safety_policy_used = [] brief_data['policy_file'] = policy_file.get('filename', '-') if policy_file else None brief_data['policy_file_source'] = 'server' if brief_data['policy_file'] and 'server-safety-policy' in brief_data['policy_file'] else 'local' if policy_file and policy_file.get('filename', False): safety_policy_used = [ {'style': False, 'value': '\nScanning using a security policy file'}, {'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(policy_file.get('filename', '-'))}, ] audit_and_monitor = [] if context.params.get('audit_and_monitor'): logged_url = context.params.get('audit_and_monitor_url') if context.params.get('audit_and_monitor_url') else "" audit_and_monitor = [ {'style': False, 'value': '\nLogging scan results to'}, {'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(logged_url)}, ] current_time = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) brief_data['api_key'] = bool(key) brief_data['local_database_path'] = db if db else None brief_data['safety_version'] = get_safety_version() brief_data['timestamp'] = current_time brief_data['packages_found'] = len(packages) # Vuln report additional_data = [] if report_type == 1: brief_data['vulnerabilities_found'] = kwargs.get('vulnerabilities_found', 0) brief_data['vulnerabilities_ignored'] = kwargs.get('vulnerabilities_ignored', 0) brief_data['remediations_recommended'] = 0 additional_data = [ [{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['vulnerabilities_found'])}, {'style': True, 'value': f' vulnerabilit{"y" if brief_data["vulnerabilities_found"] == 1 else "ies"} found'}], [{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['vulnerabilities_ignored'])}, {'style': True, 'value': f' vulnerabilit{"y" if brief_data["vulnerabilities_ignored"] == 1 else "ies"} ignored'}], ] if is_using_api_key(): brief_data['remediations_recommended'] = kwargs.get('remediations_recommended', 0) additional_data.extend( [[{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['remediations_recommended'])}, {'style': True, 'value': f' remediation{"" if brief_data["remediations_recommended"] == 1 else "s"} recommended'}]]) elif report_type == 2: brief_data['licenses_found'] = kwargs.get('licenses_found', 0) additional_data = [ [{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['licenses_found'])}, {'style': True, 'value': f' license {"type" if brief_data["licenses_found"] == 1 else "types"} found'}], ] brief_data['telemetry'] = build_telemetry_data() brief_data['git'] = build_git_data() brief_data['project'] = context.params.get('project', None) brief_data['json_version'] = 1 using_sentence = build_using_sentence(key, db) using_sentence_section = [nl] if not using_sentence else [nl] + [build_using_sentence(key, db)] scanned_count_sentence = build_scanned_count_sentence(packages) timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Timestamp '}, {'style': True, 'value': current_time}] brief_info = [[{'style': False, 'value': 'Safety '}, {'style': True, 'value': 'v' + get_safety_version()}, {'style': False, 'value': ' is scanning for '}, {'style': True, 'value': scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('name', '')}, {'style': True, 'value': '...'}] + safety_policy_used + audit_and_monitor, action_executed ] + [nl] + scanned_items + using_sentence_section + [scanned_count_sentence] + [timestamp] brief_info.extend(additional_data) add_warnings_if_needed(brief_info)'Brief info data: %s', brief_data)'Brief info, styled output: %s', '\n\n LINE ---->\n ' + '\n\n LINE ---->\n '.join(map(str, brief_info))) return brief_data if as_dict else brief_info def build_primary_announcement(primary_announcement, columns=None, only_text=False): lines = json.loads(primary_announcement.get('message')) for line in lines: if 'words' not in line: raise ValueError('Missing words keyword') if len(line['words']) <= 0: raise ValueError('No words in this line') for word in line['words']: if 'value' not in word or not word['value']: raise ValueError('Empty word or without value') message = style_lines(lines, columns, start_line='', end_line='') return click.unstyle(message) if only_text else message def is_using_api_key(): return bool(SafetyContext().key) def is_using_a_safety_policy_file(): return bool(SafetyContext().params.get('policy_file', None)) def should_add_nl(output, found_vulns): if output == 'bare' and not found_vulns: return False return True