from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import re import sys import os import traceback import unittest import threading import subprocess from time import sleep from . import six from gevent._config import validate_bool from gevent._compat import perf_counter from gevent.monkey import get_original # pylint: disable=broad-except,attribute-defined-outside-init BUFFER_OUTPUT = False # This is set by the testrunner, defaulting to true (be quiet) # But if we're run standalone, default to false QUIET = validate_bool(os.environ.get('GEVENTTEST_QUIET', '0')) class Popen(subprocess.Popen): """ Depending on when we're imported and if the process has been monkey-patched, this could use cooperative or native Popen. """ timer = None # a threading.Timer instance def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): kill(self) # Coloring code based on zope.testrunner # These colors are carefully chosen to have enough contrast # on terminals with both black and white background. _colorscheme = { 'normal': 'normal', 'default': 'default', 'actual-output': 'red', 'character-diffs': 'magenta', 'debug': 'cyan', 'diff-chunk': 'magenta', 'error': 'brightred', 'error-number': 'brightred', 'exception': 'red', 'expected-output': 'green', 'failed-example': 'cyan', 'filename': 'lightblue', 'info': 'normal', 'lineno': 'lightred', 'number': 'green', 'ok-number': 'green', 'skipped': 'brightyellow', 'slow-test': 'brightmagenta', 'suboptimal-behaviour': 'magenta', 'testname': 'lightcyan', 'warning': 'cyan', } _prefixes = [ ('dark', '0;'), ('light', '1;'), ('bright', '1;'), ('bold', '1;'), ] _colorcodes = { 'default': 0, 'normal': 0, 'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'brown': 33, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'grey': 37, 'gray': 37, 'white': 37 } def _color_code(color): prefix_code = '' for prefix, code in _prefixes: if color.startswith(prefix): color = color[len(prefix):] prefix_code = code break color_code = _colorcodes[color] return '\033[%s%sm' % (prefix_code, color_code) def _color(what): return _color_code(_colorscheme[what]) def _colorize(what, message, normal='normal'): return _color(what) + message + _color(normal) def log(message, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a *message* :keyword str color: One of the values from _colorscheme """ color = kwargs.pop('color', 'normal') if args: string = message % args else: string = message string = _colorize(color, string) with output_lock: # pylint:disable=not-context-manager sys.stderr.write(string + '\n') def debug(message, *args, **kwargs): """ Log the *message* only if we're not in quiet mode. """ if not QUIET: kwargs.setdefault('color', 'debug') log(message, *args, **kwargs) def killpg(pid): if not hasattr(os, 'killpg'): return try: return os.killpg(pid, 9) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != 3: log('killpg(%r, 9) failed: %s: %s', pid, type(ex).__name__, ex) except Exception as ex: log('killpg(%r, 9) failed: %s: %s', pid, type(ex).__name__, ex) def kill_processtree(pid): ignore_msg = 'ERROR: The process "%s" not found.' % pid err = Popen('taskkill /F /PID %s /T' % pid, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1] if err and err.strip() not in [ignore_msg, '']: log('%r', err) def _kill(popen): if hasattr(popen, 'kill'): try: popen.kill() except OSError as ex: if ex.errno == 3: # No such process return if ex.errno == 13: # Permission denied (translated from windows error 5: "Access is denied") return raise else: try: os.kill(, 9) except EnvironmentError: pass def kill(popen): if popen.timer is not None: popen.timer.cancel() popen.timer = None if popen.poll() is not None: return popen.was_killed = True try: if getattr(popen, 'setpgrp_enabled', None): killpg( elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): kill_processtree( except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: _kill(popen) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: popen.wait() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # A set of environment keys we ignore for printing purposes IGNORED_GEVENT_ENV_KEYS = { 'GEVENTTEST_QUIET', 'GEVENT_DEBUG', 'GEVENTSETUP_EV_VERIFY', 'GEVENTSETUP_EMBED', } # A set of (name, value) pairs we ignore for printing purposes. # These should match the defaults. IGNORED_GEVENT_ENV_ITEMS = { ('GEVENT_RESOLVER', 'thread'), ('GEVENT_RESOLVER_NAMESERVERS', ''), ('GEVENTTEST_USE_RESOURCES', 'all'), } def getname(command, env=None, setenv=None): result = [] env = (env or os.environ).copy() env.update(setenv or {}) for key, value in sorted(env.items()): if not key.startswith('GEVENT'): continue if key in IGNORED_GEVENT_ENV_KEYS: continue if (key, value) in IGNORED_GEVENT_ENV_ITEMS: continue result.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) if isinstance(command, six.string_types): result.append(command) else: result.extend(command) return ' '.join(result) def start(command, quiet=False, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) preexec_fn = None if not os.environ.get('DO_NOT_SETPGRP'): preexec_fn = getattr(os, 'setpgrp', None) env = kwargs.pop('env', None) setenv = kwargs.pop('setenv', None) or {} name = getname(command, env=env, setenv=setenv) if preexec_fn is not None: setenv['DO_NOT_SETPGRP'] = '1' if setenv: env = env.copy() if env else os.environ.copy() env.update(setenv) if not quiet: log('+ %s', name) popen = Popen(command, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, env=env, **kwargs) = name popen.setpgrp_enabled = preexec_fn is not None popen.was_killed = False if timeout is not None: t = get_original('threading', 'Timer')(timeout, kill, args=(popen, )) popen.timer = t t.daemon = True t.start() popen.timer = t return popen class RunResult(object): """ The results of running an external command. If the command was successful, this has a boolean value of True; otherwise, a boolean value of false. The integer value of this object is the command's exit code. """ def __init__(self, command, run_kwargs, code, output=None, # type: str error=None, # type: str name=None, run_count=0, skipped_count=0, run_duration=0, # type: float ): self.command = command self.run_kwargs = run_kwargs self.code = code self.output = output self.error = error = name self.run_count = run_count self.skipped_count = skipped_count self.run_duration = run_duration @property def output_lines(self): return self.output.splitlines() def __bool__(self): return not bool(self.code) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __int__(self): return self.code def __repr__(self): return ( "RunResult of: %r\n" "Code: %s\n" "kwargs: %r\n" "Output:\n" "----\n" "%s" "----\n" "Error:\n" "----\n" "%s" "----\n" ) % ( self.command, self.code, self.run_kwargs, self.output, self.error ) def _should_show_warning_output(out): if 'Warning' in out: # Strip out some patterns we specifically do not # care about. # from for monkey-patched tests out = out.replace('Warning -- reap_children', 'NADA') out = out.replace("Warning -- threading_cleanup", 'NADA') # The below *could* be done with sophisticated enough warning # filters passed to the children # is the new home; setuptools uses the old one, # as does dnspython out = out.replace("DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs", 'NADA') # libuv poor timer resolution out = out.replace('UserWarning: libuv only supports', 'NADA') # Packages on Python 2 out = out.replace('ImportWarning: Not importing directory', 'NADA') # Testing that U mode does the same thing out = out.replace("DeprecationWarning: 'U' mode is deprecated", 'NADA') out = out.replace("DeprecationWarning: dns.hash module", 'NADA') return 'Warning' in out output_lock = threading.Lock() def _find_test_status(took, out): status = '[took %.1fs%s]' skipped = '' run_count = 0 skipped_count = 0 if out: m ="Ran (\d+) tests in", out) if m: result = out[m.start():m.end()] status = status.replace('took', result) run_count = int(out[m.start(1):m.end(1)]) m =' \(skipped=(\d+)\)$', out) if m: skipped = _colorize('skipped', out[m.start():m.end()]) skipped_count = int(out[m.start(1):m.end(1)]) status = status % (took, skipped) # pylint:disable=consider-using-augmented-assign if took > 10: status = _colorize('slow-test', status) return status, run_count, skipped_count def run(command, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=too-many-locals """ Execute *command*, returning a `RunResult`. This blocks until *command* finishes or until it times out. """ buffer_output = kwargs.pop('buffer_output', BUFFER_OUTPUT) quiet = kwargs.pop('quiet', QUIET) verbose = not quiet nested = kwargs.pop('nested', False) allowed_return_codes = kwargs.pop('allowed_return_codes', ()) if buffer_output: assert 'stdout' not in kwargs and 'stderr' not in kwargs, kwargs kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE popen = start(command, quiet=quiet, **kwargs) name = try: time_start = perf_counter() out, err = popen.communicate() duration = perf_counter() - time_start if popen.was_killed or popen.poll() is None: result = 'TIMEOUT' else: result = popen.poll() finally: kill(popen) assert popen.timer is None # We don't want to treat return codes that are allowed as failures, # but we do want to log those specially. That's why we retain the distinction # between ``failed`` and ``result`` (failed takes the allowed codes into account). failed = bool(result) and result not in allowed_return_codes if out: out = out.strip() out = out if isinstance(out, str) else out.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if out and (failed or verbose or _should_show_warning_output(out)): out = ' ' + out.replace('\n', '\n ') out = out.rstrip() out += '\n' log('| %s\n%s', name, out) status, run_count, skipped_count = _find_test_status(duration, out) if result: log('! %s [code %s] %s', name, result, status, color='error' if failed else 'suboptimal-behaviour') elif not nested: log('- %s %s', name, status) # For everything outside this function, we need to pretend that # allowed codes are actually successes. return RunResult( command, kwargs, 0 if result in allowed_return_codes else result, output=out, error=err, name=name, run_count=run_count, skipped_count=skipped_count, run_duration=duration, ) class NoSetupPyFound(Exception): "Raised by find_setup_py_above" def find_setup_py_above(a_file): "Return the directory containing somewhere above *a_file*" root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(a_file)) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, '')): prev, root = root, os.path.dirname(root) if root == prev: # Let's avoid infinite loops at root raise NoSetupPyFound('could not find my above %r' % (a_file,)) return root def search_for_setup_py(a_file=None, a_module_name=None, a_class=None, climb_cwd=True): if a_file is not None: try: return find_setup_py_above(a_file) except NoSetupPyFound: pass if a_class is not None: try: return find_setup_py_above(sys.modules[a_class.__module__].__file__) except NoSetupPyFound: pass if a_module_name is not None: try: return find_setup_py_above(sys.modules[a_module_name].__file__) except NoSetupPyFound: pass if climb_cwd: return find_setup_py_above("./dne") raise NoSetupPyFound("After checking %r" % (locals(),)) def _version_dir_components(): directory = '%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2] full_directory = '%s.%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:3] if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): directory += 'pypy' full_directory += 'pypy' return directory, full_directory def find_stdlib_tests(): """ Return a sequence of directories that could contain stdlib tests for the running version of Python. The most specific tests are at the end of the sequence. No checks are performed on existence of the directories. """ setup_py = search_for_setup_py(a_file=__file__) greentest = os.path.join(setup_py, 'src', 'greentest') directory, full_directory = _version_dir_components() directory = '%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2] full_directory = '%s.%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:3] if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): directory += 'pypy' full_directory += 'pypy' directory = os.path.join(greentest, directory) full_directory = os.path.join(greentest, full_directory) return directory, full_directory def absolute_pythonpath(): """ Return the PYTHONPATH environment variable (if set) with each entry being an absolute path. If not set, returns None. """ if 'PYTHONPATH' not in os.environ: return None path = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] path = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in path.split(os.path.pathsep)] return os.path.pathsep.join(path) class ExampleMixin(object): """ Something that uses the ``examples/`` directory from the root of the gevent distribution. The `cwd` property is set to the root of the gevent distribution. """ #: Arguments to pass to the example file. example_args = [] before_delay = 3 after_delay = 0.5 #: Path of the example Python file, relative to `cwd` example = None # subclasses define this to be the path to the #: Keyword arguments to pass to the start or run method. start_kwargs = None def find_setup_py(self): "Return the directory containing" return search_for_setup_py( a_file=__file__, a_class=type(self) ) @property def cwd(self): try: root = self.find_setup_py() except NoSetupPyFound as e: raise unittest.SkipTest("Unable to locate file/dir to run: %s" % (e,)) return os.path.join(root, 'examples') @property def setenv(self): """ Returns a dictionary of environment variables to set for the child in addition to (or replacing) the ones already in the environment. Since the child is run in `cwd`, relative paths in ``PYTHONPATH`` need to be converted to absolute paths. """ abs_pythonpath = absolute_pythonpath() return {'PYTHONPATH': abs_pythonpath} if abs_pythonpath else None def _start(self, meth): if getattr(self, 'args', None): raise AssertionError("Invalid test", self, self.args) if getattr(self, 'server', None): raise AssertionError("Invalid test", self, self.server) try: # These could be or are properties that can raise server = self.example server_dir = self.cwd except NoSetupPyFound as e: raise unittest.SkipTest("Unable to locate file/dir to run: %s" % (e,)) kwargs = self.start_kwargs or {} setenv = self.setenv if setenv: if 'setenv' in kwargs: kwargs['setenv'].update(setenv) else: kwargs['setenv'] = setenv return meth( [sys.executable, '-W', 'ignore', '-u', server] + self.example_args, cwd=server_dir, **kwargs ) def start_example(self): return self._start(meth=start) def run_example(self):# run() is a unittest method. return self._start(meth=run) class TestServer(ExampleMixin, unittest.TestCase): popen = None def running_server(self): from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def running_server(): with self.start_example() as popen: self.popen = popen self.before() yield self.after() return running_server() def test(self): with self.running_server(): self._run_all_tests() def before(self): if self.before_delay is not None: sleep(self.before_delay) self.assertIsNone(self.popen.poll(), '%s died with code %s' % ( self.example, self.popen.poll(), )) def after(self): if self.after_delay is not None: sleep(self.after_delay) self.assertIsNone(self.popen.poll(), '%s died with code %s' % ( self.example, self.popen.poll(), )) def _run_all_tests(self): ran = False for method in sorted(dir(self)): if method.startswith('_test'): function = getattr(self, method) if callable(function): function() ran = True assert ran class alarm(threading.Thread): # can't use signal.alarm because of Windows def __init__(self, timeout): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.timeout = timeout self.start() def run(self): sleep(self.timeout) sys.stderr.write('Timeout.\n') os._exit(5)