480 lines
17 KiB
480 lines
17 KiB
import copy
import itertools
import os
import stat
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from json import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pipenv.utils.dependencies import (
from pipenv.utils.exceptions import (
from pipenv.utils.pipfile import DEFAULT_NEWLINES, ProjectFile
from pipenv.utils.requirements import normalize_name
from pipenv.utils.requirementslib import is_editable, is_vcs, merge_items
from pipenv.vendor.plette import lockfiles
def merge_markers(entry, markers):
if not isinstance(markers, list):
markers = [markers]
for marker in markers:
if not isinstance(marker, str):
marker = str(marker)
if "markers" not in entry:
entry["markers"] = marker
elif marker not in entry["markers"]:
entry["markers"] = f"({entry['markers']}) and ({marker})"
def format_requirement_for_lockfile(
req: InstallRequirement,
if req.specifier:
version = str(req.specifier)
version = None
name = normalize_name(req.name)
index = index_lookup.get(name)
markers = req.markers
req.index = index
pipfile_entry = pipfile_entries[name] if name in pipfile_entries else {}
entry = {}
if req.link and req.link.is_vcs:
vcs = req.link.scheme.split("+", 1)[0]
entry["ref"] = determine_vcs_revision_hash(req, vcs, pipfile_entry.get("ref"))
if name in original_deps:
entry[vcs] = original_deps[name]
vcs_url, _ = normalize_vcs_url(req.link.url)
entry[vcs] = vcs_url
if pipfile_entry.get("subdirectory"):
entry["subdirectory"] = pipfile_entry["subdirectory"]
elif req.link.subdirectory_fragment:
entry["subdirectory"] = req.link.subdirectory_fragment
if req.req:
entry["version"] = str(req.specifier)
elif version:
entry["version"] = version
elif req.link and req.link.is_file:
entry["file"] = req.link.url
if hashes:
entry["hashes"] = sorted(set(hashes))
entry["name"] = name
if index:
entry.update({"index": index})
if markers:
entry.update({"markers": str(markers)})
if name in markers_lookup:
merge_markers(entry, markers_lookup[name])
if isinstance(pipfile_entry, dict) and "markers" in pipfile_entry:
merge_markers(entry, pipfile_entry["markers"])
if isinstance(pipfile_entry, dict) and "os_name" in pipfile_entry:
merge_markers(entry, f"os_name {pipfile_entry['os_name']}")
entry = translate_markers(entry)
if req.extras:
entry["extras"] = sorted(req.extras)
if isinstance(pipfile_entry, dict) and pipfile_entry.get("file"):
entry["file"] = pipfile_entry["file"]
if pipfile_entry.get("editable"):
entry["editable"] = pipfile_entry.get("editable")
entry.pop("version", None)
entry.pop("index", None)
elif isinstance(pipfile_entry, dict) and pipfile_entry.get("path"):
entry["path"] = pipfile_entry["path"]
if pipfile_entry.get("editable"):
entry["editable"] = pipfile_entry.get("editable")
entry.pop("version", None)
entry.pop("index", None)
return name, entry
def get_locked_dep(project, dep, pipfile_section, current_entry=None):
# initialize default values
is_top_level = False
# if the dependency has a name, find corresponding entry in pipfile
if isinstance(dep, dict) and dep.get("name"):
dep_name = pep423_name(dep["name"])
for pipfile_key, pipfile_entry in pipfile_section.items():
if pep423_name(pipfile_key) == dep_name or pipfile_key == dep_name:
is_top_level = True
if isinstance(pipfile_entry, dict):
if pipfile_entry.get("version"):
if pipfile_entry.get("ref"):
# clean the dependency
lockfile_entry = clean_resolved_dep(project, dep, is_top_level, current_entry)
# get the lockfile version and compare with pipfile version
lockfile_name, lockfile_dict = lockfile_entry.copy().popitem()
lockfile_entry[lockfile_name] = lockfile_dict
return lockfile_entry
def prepare_lockfile(project, results, pipfile, lockfile_section, old_lock_data=None):
for dep in results:
if not dep:
dep_name = dep["name"]
current_entry = None
if dep_name in old_lock_data:
current_entry = old_lock_data[dep_name]
lockfile_entry = get_locked_dep(project, dep, pipfile, current_entry)
# If the current dependency doesn't exist in the lockfile, add it
if dep_name not in lockfile_section:
lockfile_section[dep_name] = lockfile_entry[dep_name]
# If the dependency exists, update the details
current_entry = lockfile_section[dep_name]
if not isinstance(current_entry, dict):
lockfile_section[dep_name] = lockfile_entry[dep_name]
# If the current entry is a dict, merge the new details
lockfile_section[dep_name] = translate_markers(lockfile_section[dep_name])
return lockfile_section
def atomic_open_for_write(target, binary=False, newline=None, encoding=None) -> None:
"""Atomically open `target` for writing.
This is based on Lektor's `atomic_open()` utility, but simplified a lot
to handle only writing, and skip many multi-process/thread edge cases
handled by Werkzeug.
:param str target: Target filename to write
:param bool binary: Whether to open in binary mode, default False
:param Optional[str] newline: The newline character to use when writing, determined
from system if not supplied.
:param Optional[str] encoding: The encoding to use when writing, defaults to system
How this works:
* Create a temp file (in the same directory of the actual target), and
yield for surrounding code to write to it.
* If some thing goes wrong, try to remove the temp file. The actual target
is not touched whatsoever.
* If everything goes well, close the temp file, and replace the actual
target with this new file.
.. code:: python
>>> fn = "test_file.txt"
>>> def read_test_file(filename=fn):
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
>>> with open(fn, "w") as fh:
fh.write("this is some test text")
>>> read_test_file()
this is some test text
>>> def raise_exception_while_writing(filename):
with open(filename, "w") as fh:
fh.write("writing some new text")
raise RuntimeError("Uh oh, hope your file didn't get overwritten")
>>> raise_exception_while_writing(fn)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Uh oh, hope your file didn't get overwritten
>>> read_test_file()
writing some new text
>>> def raise_exception_while_writing(filename):
with atomic_open_for_write(filename) as fh:
fh.write("Overwriting all the text from before with even newer text")
raise RuntimeError("But did it get overwritten now?")
>>> raise_exception_while_writing(fn)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: But did it get overwritten now?
>>> read_test_file()
writing some new text
mode = "w+b" if binary else "w"
f = NamedTemporaryFile(
# set permissions to 0644
with suppress(OSError):
os.chmod(f.name, stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
yield f
except BaseException:
with suppress(OSError):
os.remove(target) # This is needed on Windows.
except OSError:
os.rename(f.name, target) # No os.replace() on Python 2.
class Lockfile:
lockfile: lockfiles.Lockfile
path: Path = field(
default_factory=lambda: Path(os.curdir).joinpath("Pipfile.lock").absolute()
_requirements: Optional[List[Any]] = field(default_factory=list)
_dev_requirements: Optional[List[Any]] = field(default_factory=list)
projectfile: ProjectFile = None
newlines: str = DEFAULT_NEWLINES
def __post_init__(self):
if not self.path:
self.path = Path(os.curdir).absolute()
if not self.projectfile:
self.projectfile = self.load_projectfile(os.curdir, create=False)
if not self.lockfile:
self.lockfile = self.projectfile.model
def section_keys(self):
return set(self.lockfile.keys()) - {"_meta"}
def extended_keys(self):
return list(itertools.product(self.section_keys, ["", "vcs", "editable"]))
def get(self, k):
return self.__getitem__(k)
def __contains__(self, k):
check_lockfile = k in self.extended_keys or self.lockfile.__contains__(k)
if check_lockfile:
return True
return super().__contains__(k)
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
lockfile = self.lockfile
lockfile.__setitem__(k, v)
def __getitem__(self, k, *args, **kwargs):
retval = None
lockfile = self.lockfile
retval = lockfile[k]
except KeyError:
if "-" in k:
section, _, pkg_type = k.rpartition("-")
vals = getattr(lockfile.get(section, {}), "_data", {})
if pkg_type == "vcs":
retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_vcs(v)}
elif pkg_type == "editable":
retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_editable(v)}
if retval is None:
retval = getattr(retval, "_data", retval)
return retval
def __getattr__(self, k, *args, **kwargs):
lockfile = self.lockfile
return super().__getattribute__(k)
except AttributeError:
retval = getattr(lockfile, k, None)
if retval is not None:
return retval
return super().__getattribute__(k, *args, **kwargs)
def get_deps(self, dev=False, only=True):
deps = {}
if dev:
if only:
return deps
deps = merge_items([deps, self.default._data])
return deps
def read_projectfile(cls, path):
pf = ProjectFile.read(path, lockfiles.Lockfile, invalid_ok=True)
return pf
def lockfile_from_pipfile(cls, pipfile_path):
from pipenv.utils.pipfile import Pipfile
if os.path.isfile(pipfile_path):
if not os.path.isabs(pipfile_path):
pipfile_path = os.path.abspath(pipfile_path)
pipfile = Pipfile.load(os.path.dirname(pipfile_path))
return lockfiles.Lockfile.with_meta_from(pipfile.pipfile)
raise PipfileNotFound(pipfile_path)
def load_projectfile(
cls, path: Optional[str] = None, create: bool = True, data: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> "ProjectFile":
if not path:
path = os.curdir
path = Path(path).absolute()
project_path = path if path.is_dir() else path.parent
lockfile_path = path if path.is_file() else project_path / "Pipfile.lock"
if not project_path.exists():
raise OSError(f"Project does not exist: {project_path.as_posix()}")
elif not lockfile_path.exists() and not create:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Lockfile does not exist: {lockfile_path.as_posix()}"
projectfile = cls.read_projectfile(lockfile_path.as_posix())
if not lockfile_path.exists():
if not data:
pipfile = project_path.joinpath("Pipfile")
lf = cls.lockfile_from_pipfile(pipfile)
lf = lockfiles.Lockfile(data)
projectfile.model = lf
if data:
raise ValueError("Cannot pass data when loading existing lockfile")
with open(lockfile_path.as_posix()) as f:
projectfile.model = lockfiles.Lockfile.load(f)
return projectfile
def from_data(
cls, path: Optional[str], data: Optional[Dict], meta_from_project: bool = True
) -> "Lockfile":
if path is None:
raise MissingParameter("path")
if data is None:
raise MissingParameter("data")
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise TypeError("Expecting a dictionary for parameter 'data'")
path = os.path.abspath(str(path))
if os.path.isdir(path):
project_path = path
elif not os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
project_path = os.path.dirname(path)
pipfile_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Pipfile")
lockfile_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Pipfile.lock")
if meta_from_project:
lockfile = cls.lockfile_from_pipfile(pipfile_path)
lockfile = lockfiles.Lockfile(data)
projectfile = ProjectFile(
line_ending=DEFAULT_NEWLINES, location=lockfile_path, model=lockfile
return cls(
def load(cls, path: Optional[str], create: bool = True) -> "Lockfile":
projectfile = cls.load_projectfile(path, create=create)
except JSONDecodeError:
path = os.path.abspath(path)
path = Path(
os.path.join(path, "Pipfile.lock") if os.path.isdir(path) else path
formatted_path = path.as_posix()
backup_path = f"{formatted_path}.bak"
LockfileCorruptException.show(formatted_path, backup_path=backup_path)
cls.load(formatted_path, create=True)
lockfile_path = Path(projectfile.location)
creation_args = {
"projectfile": projectfile,
"lockfile": projectfile.model,
"newlines": projectfile.line_ending,
"path": lockfile_path,
return cls(**creation_args)
def create(cls, path: Optional[str], create: bool = True) -> "Lockfile":
return cls.load(path, create=create)
def get_section(self, name: str) -> Optional[Dict]:
return self.lockfile.get(name)
def develop(self) -> Dict:
return self.lockfile.develop
def default(self) -> Dict:
return self.lockfile.default
def get_requirements(
self, dev: bool = True, only: bool = False, categories: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Iterator[InstallRequirement]:
from pipenv.utils.requirements import requirement_from_lockfile
if categories:
deps = {}
for category in categories:
if category == "packages":
category = "default"
elif category == "dev-packages":
category = "develop"
category_deps = self[category]
except KeyError:
category_deps = {}
self.lockfile[category] = category_deps
deps = merge_items([deps, category_deps])
deps = self.get_deps(dev=dev, only=only)
for package_name, package_info in deps.items():
pip_line = requirement_from_lockfile(
package_name, package_info, include_hashes=False, include_markers=False
pip_line_specified = requirement_from_lockfile(
package_name, package_info, include_hashes=True, include_markers=True
install_req, _ = expansive_install_req_from_line(pip_line)
yield install_req, pip_line_specified
def requirements_list(self, category: str) -> List[Dict]:
if self.lockfile.get(category):
return [
{name: entry._data} for name, entry in self.lockfile[category].items()
return []
def write(self) -> None:
self.projectfile.model = copy.deepcopy(self.lockfile)