181 lines
5.8 KiB
181 lines
5.8 KiB
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import sys
from os import pipe
import gevent
from gevent import os
from gevent import Greenlet, joinall
from gevent import testing as greentest
from gevent.testing import mock
from gevent.testing import six
from gevent.testing.skipping import skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin
class TestOS_tp(greentest.TestCase):
__timeout__ = greentest.LARGE_TIMEOUT
def pipe(self):
return pipe()
read = staticmethod(os.tp_read)
write = staticmethod(os.tp_write)
@skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin("Sometimes times out")
def _test_if_pipe_blocks(self, buffer_class):
r, w = self.pipe()
# set nbytes such that for sure it is > maximum pipe buffer
nbytes = 1000000
block = b'x' * 4096
buf = buffer_class(block)
# Lack of "nonlocal" keyword in Python 2.x:
bytesread = [0]
byteswritten = [0]
def produce():
while byteswritten[0] != nbytes:
bytesleft = nbytes - byteswritten[0]
byteswritten[0] += self.write(w, buf[:min(bytesleft, 4096)])
def consume():
while bytesread[0] != nbytes:
bytesleft = nbytes - bytesread[0]
bytesread[0] += len(self.read(r, min(bytesleft, 4096)))
producer = Greenlet(produce)
consumer = Greenlet(consume)
# If patching was not succesful, the producer will have filled
# the pipe before the consumer starts, and would block the entire
# process. Therefore the next line would never finish.
joinall([producer, consumer])
self.assertEqual(bytesread[0], nbytes)
self.assertEqual(bytesread[0], byteswritten[0])
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def test_if_pipe_blocks_buffer(self):
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7):
def test_if_pipe_blocks_memoryview(self):
@greentest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'make_nonblocking'),
"Only on POSIX")
class TestOS_nb(TestOS_tp):
def read(self, fd, count):
return os.nb_read(fd, count)
def write(self, fd, count):
return os.nb_write(fd, count)
def pipe(self):
r, w = super(TestOS_nb, self).pipe()
return r, w
def _make_ignored_oserror(self):
import errno
ignored_oserror = OSError()
ignored_oserror.errno = errno.EINTR
return ignored_oserror
def _check_hub_event_closed(self, mock_get_hub, fd, event):
hub = mock_get_hub.return_value
io = hub.loop.io
io.assert_called_once_with(fd, event)
event = io.return_value
def _test_event_closed_on_normal_io(self, nb_func, nb_arg,
mock_io, mock_get_hub, event):
mock_io.side_effect = [self._make_ignored_oserror(), 42]
fd = 100
result = nb_func(fd, nb_arg)
self.assertEqual(result, 42)
self._check_hub_event_closed(mock_get_hub, fd, event)
def _test_event_closed_on_io_error(self, nb_func, nb_arg,
mock_io, mock_get_hub, event):
mock_io.side_effect = [self._make_ignored_oserror(), ValueError()]
fd = 100
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
nb_func(fd, nb_arg)
self._check_hub_event_closed(mock_get_hub, fd, event)
def test_event_closed_on_write(self, mock_write, mock_get_hub):
self._test_event_closed_on_normal_io(os.nb_write, b'buf',
mock_write, mock_get_hub,
def test_event_closed_on_write_error(self, mock_write, mock_get_hub):
self._test_event_closed_on_io_error(os.nb_write, b'buf',
mock_write, mock_get_hub,
def test_event_closed_on_read(self, mock_read, mock_get_hub):
self._test_event_closed_on_normal_io(os.nb_read, b'buf',
mock_read, mock_get_hub,
def test_event_closed_on_read_error(self, mock_read, mock_get_hub):
self._test_event_closed_on_io_error(os.nb_read, b'buf',
mock_read, mock_get_hub,
@greentest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'fork_and_watch'),
"Only on POSIX")
class TestForkAndWatch(greentest.TestCase):
__timeout__ = greentest.LARGE_TIMEOUT
def test_waitpid_all(self):
# Cover this specific case.
pid = os.fork_and_watch()
if pid:
os.waitpid(-1, 0)
# Can't assert on what the found pid actually was,
# our testrunner may have spawned multiple children.
os._reap_children(0) # make the leakchecker happy
else: # pragma: no cover
# The test framework will catch a regular SystemExit
# from sys.exit(), we need to just kill the process.
def test_waitpid_wrong_neg(self):
self.assertRaises(OSError, os.waitpid, -2, 0)
def test_waitpid_wrong_pos(self):
self.assertRaises(OSError, os.waitpid, 1, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':