
515 lines
16 KiB

"""Generic blocks extension."""
from markdown import Extension
from markdown.blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
from markdown import util as mutil
from .. import util
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import re
import yaml
import textwrap
# Fenced block placeholder for SuperFences
FENCED_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(
r'^([\> ]*){}({}){}$'.format(
mutil.HTML_PLACEHOLDER[1:-1] % r'([0-9]+)',
# Block start/end
RE_START = re.compile(
r'(?:^|\n)[ ]{0,3}(/{3,})[ ]*([\w-]+)[ ]*(?:\|[ ]*(.*?)[ ]*)?(?:\n|$)'
RE_END = re.compile(
r'(?m)(?:^|\n)[ ]{0,3}(/{3,})[ ]*(?:\n|$)'
# Frontmatter patterns
RE_YAML_START = re.compile(r'(?m)^[ ]{0,3}(-{3})[ ]*(?:\n|$)')
RE_YAML_END = re.compile(
r'(?m)^[ ]{0,3}(-{3})[ ]*(?:\n|$)'
RE_INDENT_YAML_LINE = re.compile(r'(?m)^(?:[ ]{4,}(?!\s).*?(?:\n|$))+')
class BlockEntry:
"""Track Block entries."""
def __init__(self, block, el, parent):
"""Block entry."""
self.block = block
self.el = el
self.parent = parent
self.hungry = False
def get_frontmatter(string):
Get frontmatter from string.
YAML-ish key value pairs.
frontmatter = None
frontmatter = yaml.safe_load(string)
if frontmatter is None:
frontmatter = {}
if not isinstance(frontmatter, dict):
frontmatter = None
except Exception:
return frontmatter
def reindent(text, pos, level):
"""Reindent the code to where it is supposed to be."""
indented = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
index = pos - level
return indented
def unescape_markdown(md, blocks, is_raw):
"""Look for SuperFences code placeholders and other HTML stash placeholders and revert them back to plain text."""
superfences = None
from ..superfences import SuperFencesBlockPreprocessor
processor = md.preprocessors['fenced_code_block']
if isinstance(processor, SuperFencesBlockPreprocessor):
superfences = processor.extension
except Exception:
new_blocks = []
for block in blocks:
new_lines = []
for line in block.split('\n'):
m = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.match(line)
if m:
key =
# Extract SuperFences content
indent_level = len(
original = None
if superfences is not None:
original, pos = superfences.stash.get(key, (None, None))
if original is not None:
code = reindent(original, pos, indent_level)
# Extract other HTML stashed content
if original is None and is_raw:
index = int(key.split(':')[1])
if index < len(md.htmlStash.rawHtmlBlocks):
original = md.htmlStash.rawHtmlBlocks[index]
if isinstance(original, etree.Element):
original = etree.tostring(original, encoding='unicode', method='html')
# Couldn't find anything to extract
if original is None: # pragma: no cover
return new_blocks
class BlocksTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
"""Blocks tree processor."""
def __init__(self, md, blocks):
self.blocks = blocks
def run(self, doc):
"""Update tab IDs."""
while self.blocks.inline_stack:
entry = self.blocks.inline_stack.pop(0)
class BlocksProcessor(BlockProcessor):
"""Generic block processor."""
def __init__(self, parser, md):
"""Initialization.""" = md
# The Block classes indexable by name
self.blocks = {}
self.config = {}
self.empty_tags = {'hr',}
self.block_level_tags = set(md.block_level_elements.copy())
# Block-level tags in which the content only gets span level parsing
self.span_tags = {
'address', 'dd', 'dt', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'legend', 'li', 'p', 'summary', 'td', 'th'
# Block-level tags which never get their content parsed.
self.raw_tags = {'canvas', 'math', 'option', 'pre', 'script', 'style', 'textarea', 'code'}
# Block-level tags in which the content gets parsed as blocks
self.block_tags = set(self.block_level_tags) - (self.span_tags | self.raw_tags | self.empty_tags)
self.span_and_blocks_tags = self.block_tags | self.span_tags
# Persistent storage across a document for blocks
self.trackers = {}
# Currently queued up blocks
self.stack = []
# Blocks that should be processed after inline.
self.inline_stack = []
# When set, the assigned block is actively parsing blocks.
self.working = None
# Cached the found parent when testing
# so we can quickly retrieve it when running
self.cached_parent = None
self.cached_block = None
# Used during the alpha/beta stage
self.start = RE_START
self.end = RE_END
self.yaml_line = RE_INDENT_YAML_LINE
def register(self, b, config):
"""Register a block."""
if b.NAME in self.blocks:
raise ValueError(f'The block name {b.NAME} is already registered!')
self.blocks[b.NAME] = b
self.config[b.NAME] = config
def test(self, parent, block):
"""Test to see if we should process the block."""
# Are we hungry for more?
if self.get_parent(parent) is not None:
return True
# Is this the start of a new block?
m =
if m:
pre_text = block[:m.start()] if m.start() > 0 else None
# Create a block object
name =
if name in self.blocks:
generic_block = self.blocks[name](len(, self.trackers[name], self, self.config[name])
# Remove first line
block = block[m.end():]
# Get frontmatter and argument(s)
options, the_rest = self.split_header(block, generic_block.length)
arguments =
# Options must be valid
status = options is not None
# Update the config for the Block
if status:
status = generic_block._validate(parent, arguments, **options)
# Cache the found Block and any remaining content
if status:
self.cached_block = (generic_block, the_rest)
# Any text before the block should get handled
if pre_text is not None:
self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, [pre_text])
return status
return False
def _reset(self):
self.working = None
self.trackers = {d: {} for d in self.blocks.keys()}
def split_end(self, blocks, length):
"""Search for end and split the blocks while removing the end."""
good = []
bad = []
end = False
# Split on our end notation for the current Block
for e, block in enumerate(blocks):
# Find the end of the Block
m = None
for match in self.end.finditer(block):
if len( == length:
m = match
# Separate everything from before the "end" and after
if m:
temp = block[:m.start(0)]
if temp:
good.append(temp[:-1] if temp.endswith('\n') else temp)
end = True
# Since we found our end, everything after is unwanted
temp = block[m.end(0):]
if temp:
bad.extend(blocks[e + 1:])
# Gather blocks until we find our end
# Augment the blocks
# Send back the new list of blocks to parse and note whether we found our end
return good, end
def split_header(self, block, length):
"""Split, YAML-ish header out."""
# Search for end in first block
m = None
blocks = []
for match in self.end.finditer(block):
if len( == length:
m = match
# Move block ending to be parsed later
if m:
end = block[m.start(0):]
blocks.insert(0, end)
block = block[:m.start(0)]
m = self.yaml_line.match(block)
if m is not None:
config = textwrap.dedent(
blocks.insert(0, block[m.end():])
if config.strip():
return get_frontmatter(config), '\n'.join(blocks)
blocks.insert(0, block)
return {}, '\n'.join(blocks)
def get_parent(self, parent):
"""Get parent."""
# Returned the cached parent from our last attempt
if self.cached_parent is not None:
parent = self.cached_parent
self.cached_parent = None
return parent
temp = parent
while temp is not None:
for entry in self.stack:
if entry.hungry and entry.parent is temp:
self.cached_parent = temp
return temp
if temp is not None:
temp = self.lastChild(temp)
return None
def is_raw(self, tag):
"""Is tag raw."""
return tag.tag in self.raw_tags
def is_block(self, tag):
"""Is tag block."""
return tag.tag in self.block_tags
def parse_blocks(self, blocks, entry):
"""Parse the blocks."""
# Get the target element and parse
for b in blocks:
target = entry.block.on_add(entry.el)
# The Block does not or no longer accepts more content
if target is None: # pragma: no cover
mode = entry.block.on_markdown()
if mode not in ('block', 'inline', 'raw'):
mode = 'auto'
is_block = mode == 'block' or (mode == 'auto' and self.is_block(target))
is_atomic = mode == 'raw' or (mode == 'auto' and self.is_raw(target))
# We should revert fenced code in spans or atomic tags.
# Make sure atomic tags have content wrapped as `AtomicString`.
if is_atomic or not is_block:
child = list(target)[-1] if len(target) else None
text = target.text if child is None else child.tail
b = '\n\n'.join(unescape_markdown(, [b], is_atomic))
if text:
text += '\n\n' + b
text = b
if child is None:
target.text = mutil.AtomicString(text) if is_atomic else text
else: # pragma: no cover
# TODO: We would need to build a special plugin to test this,
# as none of the default ones do this, but we have verified this
# locally. Once we've written a test, we can remove this.
child.tail = mutil.AtomicString(text) if is_atomic else text
# Block tags should have content go through the normal block processor
working = self.working
self.working = entry
self.parser.parseChunk(target, b)
self.working = working
def run(self, parent, blocks):
"""Convert to details/summary block."""
# Get the appropriate parent for this Block
temp = self.get_parent(parent)
if temp is not None:
parent = temp
# Did we find a new Block?
if self.cached_block:
# Get cached Block and reset the cache
generic_block, block = self.cached_block
self.cached_block = None
# Discard first block as we've already processed what we need from it
if block:
blocks.insert(0, block)
# Ensure a "tight" parent list item is converted to "loose".
if parent is not None and parent.tag in ('li', 'dd'): # pragma: no cover
text = parent.text
if parent.text:
parent.text = ''
p = etree.SubElement(parent, 'p')
p.text = text
# Create the block element
el = generic_block._create(parent)
# Push a Block entry on the stack.
self.stack.append(BlockEntry(generic_block, el, parent))
# Split out blocks we care about
ours, end = self.split_end(blocks, generic_block.length)
# Parse the text blocks under the Block
index = len(self.stack) - 1
self.parse_blocks(ours, self.stack[-1])
# Remove Block from the stack if we are at the end
# or add it to the hungry list.
if end:
# Run the "on end" event
del self.stack[index]
self.stack[index].hungry = True
for r in range(len(self.stack)):
entry = self.stack[r]
if entry.hungry and parent is entry.parent:
# Find and remove end from the blocks
ours, end = self.split_end(blocks, entry.block.length)
# Get the target element and parse
entry.hungry = False
self.parse_blocks(ours, entry)
# Clean up if we completed the Block
if end:
# Run "on end" event
del self.stack[r]
entry.hungry = True
class BlocksMgrExtension(Extension):
"""Add generic Blocks extension."""
def extendMarkdown(self, md):
"""Add Blocks to Markdown instance."""
util.escape_chars(md, ['/'])
self.extension = BlocksProcessor(md.parser, md)
# We want to be right after list indentations are processed
md.parser.blockprocessors.register(self.extension, "blocks", 89.99)
tree = BlocksTreeprocessor(md, self.extension)
md.treeprocessors.register(tree, 'blocks_on_inline_end', 19.99)
def reset(self):
class BlocksExtension(Extension):
"""Blocks Extension."""
def register_block_mgr(self, md):
"""Add Blocks to Markdown instance."""
if 'blocks' not in md.parser.blockprocessors:
ext = BlocksMgrExtension()
mgr = ext.extension
mgr = md.parser.blockprocessors['blocks']
return mgr
def extendMarkdown(self, md):
"""Extend markdown."""
mgr = self.register_block_mgr(md)
self.extendMarkdownBlocks(md, mgr)
def extendMarkdownBlocks(self, md, block_mgr):
"""Extend Markdown blocks."""