
398 lines
13 KiB

"""mergedeep test module"""
import inspect
import unittest
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from mergedeep import merge, Strategy
class test_mergedeep(unittest.TestCase):
"""mergedeep function tests."""
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_replace_strategy_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": (100, 200),
"h": Counter({"a": 5, "b": 1, "c": 1}),
"i": 2,
"j": Counter({"z": 2}),
"z": Counter({"a": 2}),
a = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5}},
"d": 1,
"e": {2: 3},
"f": [1, 2, 3],
"g": (2, 4, 6),
"h": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1}),
"j": 1,
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {
"a": {"B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 2,
"e": 2,
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": (100, 200),
"h": Counter({"a": 5, "c": 1}),
"i": Counter({"a": 1}),
"z": Counter({"a": 2}),
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {
"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"i": 2,
"j": Counter({"z": 2}),
"z": Counter({"a": 2}),
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.REPLACE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_merge_2_dicts_into_existing_dict_using_replace_strategy_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": (100, 200),
"h": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1}),
"i": 2,
"j": Counter({"z": 2}),
a = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5}},
"d": 1,
"e": {2: 3},
"f": [1, 2, 3],
"g": (2, 4, 6),
"h": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1}),
"j": 1,
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {
"a": {"B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 2,
"e": 2,
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": (100, 200),
"h": Counter({"a": 1, "c": 1}),
"i": Counter({"a": 1}),
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}, "i": 2, "j": Counter({"z": 2})}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge(a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.REPLACE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(actual, a)
self.assertNotEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_have_default_strategy_of_replace(self):
func_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(merge)
default_strategy = Strategy.REPLACE
self.assertEqual(func_spec.kwonlydefaults.get("strategy"), default_strategy)
# mock_merge.method.assert_called_with(target, source, strategy=Strategy.REPLACE)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_additive_strategy_on_lists_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": [1, 2, 3]}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6]}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.ADDITIVE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_additive_strategy_on_sets_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": {1, 2, 3}}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": {4, 5, 6}}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.ADDITIVE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_additive_strategy_on_tuples_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": (1, 2, 3)}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": (4, 5, 6)}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.ADDITIVE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_additive_strategy_on_counters_and_only_mutate_target(self,):
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"f": Counter({"a": 2, "c": 1, "b": 1}),
"i": 2,
"j": Counter({"z": 2}),
"z": Counter({"a": 4}),
a = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5}},
"d": 1,
"e": {2: 3},
"f": Counter({"a": 1, "c": 1}),
"i": Counter({"f": 9}),
"j": Counter({"a": 1, "z": 4}),
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {
"a": {"B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 2,
"e": 2,
"f": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1}),
"j": [1, 2, 3],
"z": Counter({"a": 2}),
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {
"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}},
"d": 3,
"e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}},
"i": 2,
"j": Counter({"z": 2}),
"z": Counter({"a": 2}),
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.ADDITIVE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_not_copy_references(self):
before = 1
after = 99
o1 = {"key1": before}
o2 = {"key2": before}
expected = {"list": deepcopy([o1, o2]), "tuple": deepcopy((o1, o2))}
a = {"list": [o1], "tuple": (o1,)}
b = {"list": [o2], "tuple": (o2,)}
actual = merge({}, a, b, strategy=Strategy.ADDITIVE)
o1["key1"] = after
o2["key2"] = after
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
# Copied dicts should `not` mutate
self.assertEqual(actual["list"][0]["key1"], before)
self.assertEqual(actual["list"][1]["key2"], before)
self.assertEqual(actual["tuple"][0]["key1"], before)
self.assertEqual(actual["tuple"][1]["key2"], before)
# Non-copied dicts should mutate
self.assertEqual(a["list"][0]["key1"], after)
self.assertEqual(b["list"][0]["key2"], after)
self.assertEqual(a["tuple"][0]["key1"], after)
self.assertEqual(b["tuple"][0]["key2"], after)
def test_should_raise_TypeError_using_typesafe_strategy_if_types_differ(self):
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": [1, 2, 3]}
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6]}
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE)
def test_should_raise_TypeError_using_typesafe_replace_strategy_if_types_differ(self,):
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": [1, 2, 3]}
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6]}
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE_REPLACE)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_typesafe_strategy_and_only_mutate_target_if_types_are_compatible(
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": {2, 3, 4},
"h": (1, 3),
"z": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1}),
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "f": [1, 2, 3], "g": {1, 2, 3}, "z": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1})}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6], "g": {2, 3, 4}, "h": (1,)}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "h": (1, 3), "z": Counter({"a": 1, "c": 1})}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_typesafe_replace_strategy_and_only_mutate_target_if_types_are_compatible(
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"f": [4, 5, 6],
"g": {2, 3, 4},
"h": (1, 3),
"z": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1}),
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "f": [1, 2, 3], "g": {1, 2, 3}, "z": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1})}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6], "g": {2, 3, 4}, "h": (1,)}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "h": (1, 3), "z": Counter({"a": 1, "c": 1})}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE_REPLACE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
def test_should_raise_TypeError_using_typesafe_additive_strategy_if_types_differ(self,):
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "e": {2: 3}, "f": [1, 2, 3]}
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "e": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6]}
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "e": {1: 2, "a": {"f": 2}}}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE_ADDITIVE)
def test_should_merge_3_dicts_into_new_dict_using_typesafe_additive_strategy_and_only_mutate_target_if_types_are_compatible(
expected = {
"a": {"b": {"c": 5, "_c": 15}, "B": {"C": 10}},
"d": 3,
"f": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
"g": {1, 2, 3, 4},
"h": (1, 1, 3),
"z": Counter({"a": 2, "b": 1, "c": 1}),
a = {"a": {"b": {"c": 5}}, "d": 1, "f": [1, 2, 3], "g": {1, 2, 3}, "z": Counter({"a": 1, "b": 1})}
a_copy = deepcopy(a)
b = {"a": {"B": {"C": 10}}, "d": 2, "f": [4, 5, 6], "g": {2, 3, 4}, "h": (1,)}
b_copy = deepcopy(b)
c = {"a": {"b": {"_c": 15}}, "d": 3, "h": (1, 3), "z": Counter({"a": 1, "c": 1})}
c_copy = deepcopy(c)
actual = merge({}, a, b, c, strategy=Strategy.TYPESAFE_ADDITIVE)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(a, a_copy)
self.assertEqual(b, b_copy)
self.assertEqual(c, c_copy)
if __name__ == "__main__":